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Search results

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    For Sale 68 GT/CS on ebay

    Hmmm, chin spoiler. Often wondered what my car would look like with one of those. Now I know. Can't decide if I like it or not. Not bad looking though!
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    1968 Collapsing Steering Column - Borgeson Install

    Happy Friday everyone! I'm in process of installing the Borgeson setup in my car. I'm trying to figure out if I have collapsed the steering column as far as it can go. See attached pic. In talking to Borgeson they told me I should not need to cut anything to make it fit. It should be a...
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    1968 GT/CS Update

    I realized I haven't published any pics of what I have done to the car since I got it. Thought I would throw out some images of what I've done. It's all stuff that can't be seen for the most part! Here's the list: Installed Global West front Coil Over set up. Installed Global West rear leaf...
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    Wanted Blue Rear Seat Belts

    Looking for a set of blue seat belts for the rear of my car. Anyone have a set they want to sell?
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    289 to a 347?

    Well I think everyone has convinced me to shelve the 289 and get a crate motor. Anyone have experience with this guy: http://www.fordstrokers.com/ ? I talked to him for a long time today about a 347 for my car and I can tell he knows his stuff. Very helpful. Come to find out his shop is...
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    289 Engine Dies

    Thanks for the info. Typical of many cars I've worked on over the years the problem seemed to resolve itself yesterday. When I got home I hit the key one time and it fired up and never died. I did adjust the screws on the carb to make it run a little more rich and it seems very happy. I...
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    289 Engine Dies

    On my C Code I have replaced the fuel pump, fuel lines, fuel filter and carb. All are Edelbrock components. Here's the issue. When I got the car running it idles really well. When I rev the engine it dies out when it idles down. Then it is very hard to restart the car. Thoughts? I spoke...
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    Timing marks on 289

    Forgot to post an update on this one. I ordered a reproduction balancer to replace this one. When I pulled it off I realized what I had. Turns out it was the stock balancer with the outter ring missing! Yikes! No wonder the last owner had issues timing the car! What I thought was burnt...
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    Fog light switch bolts?

    Does your switch mount with one or two of those? The switch I have from NPD has two holes. The bottom of my dash looks like Swiss cheese so it's hard to find two holes that line up.
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    Fog light switch bolts?

    This does help! At least I have a rough idea of scale for the fastener.
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    Fog light switch bolts?

    Anyone know what size bolts are needed to attach the fog light switch to the dash?
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    289 to a 347?

    Thanks for the info Rob. I'll certainly call you when I get to the point of figuring out what I want to do with the engine.
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    289 to a 347?

    Now that's the post I'm looking for!!! I literally stood up and clapped for you after reading this. Ha! Thanks for the great info.
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    289 to a 347?

    I've talked to several engine builders in the area about the skirt length and from what I understand they are exactly the same. If there is a difference it is nominal at best where it doesn't make a difference. I've also read in several places that the 302 and 289 block are the same in 68...
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    289 to a 347?

    Not a bad thought. But I really want to use the original engine. My other thought was to build it to a 289 K-Code spec. Sounds like it would be fairly easy to do.
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    289 to a 347?

    Yikes! Well I can honestly say I won't be drag racing the car and adding NOS. Just doing a lot of burnouts and acting juvenile at all chances! Don't drag race either. I'll probalby track race my car in the long run.
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    289 to a 347?

    Hello all, Plugging away at getting my GT/CS to get it road worthy still. I hope to have it back on the road by September. Looking ahead to this winter I am planning on rebuilding the engine. I'd like to take the 289 C code to a 347 stroker. My intent would be to build it to handle a Super...
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    For Sale RARE 1968 California Special GT/CS Mustang - $17500 (Grand Rapids, SW)

    Ooops, sorry about that guys. My brain was already on vacation!
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    For Sale RARE 1968 California Special GT/CS Mustang - $17500 (Grand Rapids, SW)

    Another one for sale in my old neck of the woods. Great looking car and they have an image of the Marti.
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    For Sale 1968 california special factory 4-speed - $10000 (muskegon)

    I think this car was on Ebay a while back in Nevada. Looks like the important items are all there. Nice color. If I had space I might get this one myself! http://grandrapids.craigslist.org/cto/3845690921.html