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Search results

  1. H

    1968 My new old red HCS

    Hi ruppstang welcome to the website. Sorry I got you mixted up with Tom. Do you have his email address?
  2. H

    The month of May

    The month of May
  3. H

    AACA is having the Grand National next year at New Burn. The week end of the 14th. How far are...

    AACA is having the Grand National next year at New Burn. The week end of the 14th. How far are you fron the show?
  4. H

    Tom Nicholes is havng trouble logging on. He was at the Raleigh show. He asked me to get in...

    Tom Nicholes is havng trouble logging on. He was at the Raleigh show. He asked me to get in touch with you. He has a 68 black HCS car. His car is the second HCS that I ran across since showing my car in five years,
  5. H

    . MCS show

    congratulation to Danny for wining another gold with his black 68 fastback!!!
  6. H

    . MCS show

    show I learnedone thing never go to a car show over the fourth of July. Route 95 was packed going down and coming back.
  7. H

    . shelby

    My son came home yesterday with a 07 Cobra Shelby. He wanted me to drive it but I'm to much of a chicken but I rode in it and woo. It has 7,000 miles on it. White with blue stripes. Eventually he will have it tore apart and adding new features .
  8. H

    . MCS show

    I think that I'll be inside ar least that is what I signed up for. I wanted Neil to tell me what is wrong with my car.
  9. H

    AM-FM Radio

    Why don't you convert your orginal radio into a AM and Fm radio. You can't tell that it's been changed.
  10. H

    . MCS show

    Any body going the the MCA show at Raleigh. N.C.? Hope to see Neil at the show.
  11. H

    1968 too many questions

    Do you have a marti report ? What is the engine size? color?
  12. H

    Since you live in N.J. have you ever attended the Ford at Carlisle> A high country special and...

    Since you live in N.J. have you ever attended the Ford at Carlisle> A high country special and a high country were featured in building T .
  13. H

    . car shows

    Well it didn't rain on Sat but it rained all day on Friday. I was fortunate enough to be selected to display my car on the inside of building T along beside Joel GTCS. We were parked beside of each other. That way anybody can compare the cars. I have been showing my car for five years and have...
  14. H

    . car shows

    I have been to three car shows this year and I'm batting one hundred per cent with the rain . The fourth one is coming up this Sat . and it doesn't look any better.
  15. H

    . AACA spring show

    That's the same class that I'm in. I'll be parking trailers till 12 on Sat.
  16. H

    . AACA spring show

    I belong to the Gettysburg AACA region and we are hosting the spring car show. The last time that I heard 875 cars are signed up. I volunteered to park about 300 trailers. The last couple of days it had been raining. Last week we checked out the field and a farm pond is close by and so are...
  17. H

    1968 mecum

    Did anybody see the GTCS that was sold friday night?
  18. H

    A couple of years ago my birthday was listed but for the last couple of years it wasn't listed.

    A couple of years ago my birthday was listed but for the last couple of years it wasn't listed.
  19. H

    What class did they put you in at the AACA show? Last March they were talking about resurfacing...

    What class did they put you in at the AACA show? Last March they were talking about resurfacing Route business 15 and thats where the show is being held. Glad to say it's finished.
  20. H

    . Carlisle

    Last january I filled an application for the Ford show at Carlisle. I got in touch with another fellow member Joel Franckowiak that has a GTCS. The show has a special building for special invitations. Well the both of us have been invitated. I'm hoping the two cars will be beside each other...