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Search results

  1. H

    GT/CS & HCS Magazine Articles

    Check out the June 07 issue in Mustang Monthly . My HCS is listed.
  2. H

    . SAAC Officially Adds GT/CS

    hcs What about the High Country Special?
  3. H

    Dallas '68 GT/CS on eBay

    Could you get power disk brakes on a 289?
  4. H

    1968 Repairs

    Did you replace the rims? I guess that the holes were elongated.
  5. H

    BY chance are you going to the MCA show at Raleigh. If you are look me up I'll be in the indoor...

    BY chance are you going to the MCA show at Raleigh. If you are look me up I'll be in the indoor pavilion. I'll have my HCS.
  6. H

    . A Heartfelt Thank You to everyone!

    Sorry to hear about your mother's death. May GOD bless.
  7. H

    By chance are you going to the MCA show at Raleigh? Looking forward to meeting you. I just send...

    By chance are you going to the MCA show at Raleigh? Looking forward to meeting you. I just send my resveration in for the indoor show.
  8. H

    . Happy New Year!...

    Ditto for a happy and prosperous new year. Good luck to PENN STATE.
  9. H

    . wives tales or not?

    I went to start my 65 and while starting the little devil ran across my foot. I set a trap , no luck so far.
  10. H

    Christmas Greetings To All

    It;s a little late but I;ll post it any way A Recovering Americsn Soldier C/O Walter Reed Medical Ctr 6900 George Avenue. Nw Washington, D.C. 20307- It's to late for a Christmas card but what about a card in general. 5001
  11. H

    Christmas Greetings To All

    It's a little late but I'll post it any way. A Recovering American Soldier C/O Walter Reed Army Medical Ctr 6900 George Avenue. NW Washington, D.C. 20307-5001 One can never thank them enough. It's to late for a Christmas card but what about a card in general.
  12. H

    . wives tales or not?

    My wife likes to feed the birds sunflower seeds. She stored the seeds in an extra garbage car with the lid on. Boy that was a mistake. It took me two years before I got the oder out of my convertible. No more bird seeds from now on.
  13. H

    1968 NOS gas cap: What is a fair price?

    I have been to four MCA concour trailered shows and I have let to see a judge remove the gas cap.
  14. H

    How many HCS cars have you ran across while showing your HCS? Out of five years I have only ran...

    How many HCS cars have you ran across while showing your HCS? Out of five years I have only ran across one and that one was Bob Teets. The closet one that I know of is in Woodstock Va. At the AACA show at Hershey a guy came in from Ohio that was working on one and that was two years ago. I...
  15. H

    1968 Would you like to own a T-code GT/CS?

    At the Carlisle show I ran across a guy that had a T code. I got his email address and we corresponded several years. Well he changed his address and I lost contact with him. So Mike if you are on this website I'll be glad to hear from you.
  16. H

    I also want to wish you a happy 45th birthday.

    I also want to wish you a happy 45th birthday.
  17. H

    Rainbows of Fall

    I just received the same pictures from a friend of mine from Flordia..
  18. H

    1968 What happened to the cars in Ernies collection?

    Somebody mentioned that Mary Jean Wesche was interested in one of the GTCS's . Did she get one?
  19. H

    Hershey AACA show

    The car show isn't until Sat. but they have the car carrol or you can run a car through the auction. I was checking the cars that are scheduled for the auction . Sixteen Hertz Shelbys from Cal. are listed in the auction It took me about a day to look at the cars for sale. One car that I ran...
  20. H

    VOTE NOW for the 2009 Calendar - Ends Fri Oct 3rd

    I have the only HCS and I'm at the end of the line.