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Search results

  1. H

    Concours d' Elegance

    Next Sat. the 19th I'm heading foe the show at York College. I don't know how I'll make out but I'm going.
  2. H


    Another GTCS got the gold at the Ohio show. Con. to the owners of a yellow with black stripes.
  3. H

    trunk detail

    While at the MCA show in Ohio I was checking out what others were using. The disk is three inches dia. . The bolt is one half inch dia. . I have the orginal bolt and it's a long one. I have the jack and handle under the tire. The disk does not have any tabs bent down. When I get the judging...
  4. H

    Poser kinda got to me..

    Right on Tony keep plugging away.
  5. H


    The AACA has a show called CARnival this Sat. at the museum. The show is from 8:00 to 3:00.on route 39 at Hershey. By the way I was a bit suprised at the MCA show. I got the GOLD award. ahainline Got the first in his division. July 19th is a Concours d' Elegance I signed up for it but i don't...
  6. H

    Shelby GT500

    Remember you knocked the walls of your garage off with a ,oh but it wasn't a SHELBY.
  7. H

    66 Hcs

    While at the MCA show I ran across a guy that has a 66 HCS for sale . If anybody is interested email me and I''l give you his phone number
  8. H

    Mca show

    Here it is Tuesday night packet and I'm ready to roll. two more days . I can't wait. Thanks to everybody that wished me well.
  9. H

    Mca show

    Wish me luck. I'm heading out to the MCA Dublin show in Ohio. If any body is planning on going to the show stop by and say hi.
  10. H

    trim rings

    I'm thinking about getting a set of 14/6 . You can purchase some black on the outside and chrome on the inside. I priced a couple of well known dealers and Mustang Unlimited was the cheapest. I didn't ask about the quality.
  11. H

    collector car insurance

    I have my insurance through J. C. Taylor. I haven't had any trouble but I sure don't want to. Occasional driving but not to work. No limit on mileage.
  12. H

    Photos from Fords at Carlisle 2008

    Nancy Phillips First Skip Derosier Second Wayne Hare third. congratulation the winers.
  13. H

    Photos from Fords at Carlisle 2008

    Hot wasn't the word it was miserable. Bob Teets made the show.
  14. H

    trunk detail

    I'm guessing but I think that my J bolt is 5/8 in diameter. I checked most of the supply stores and I could not find one with the right size hole in the disk shaped plate . So I drilled a hole in the disk. I found the right nut to hold the tire down. The jack and handle is supposed to be under...
  15. H

    Old and New

    I haven't been in the memoral day parade the last couple of years. My 65 convertible always heated up. The parade procession moves to slow. When you get out to the Gettysburg civil war cemetery, it's sure is moving. At that time I hauled some world war 2 veterans in the parade. If you every get...
  16. H

    Trunk Weatherstrip

    The weatherstrip is in a U shape and the open should go to the inside of the trunk. I used the yellow type adhesive.
  17. H

    Happy Birthday to Hcsstang!

    Thanks, but where have the years gone ?
  18. H

    *** New Updated Carlisle Thread 4/23/2008!!

    If you have a chance stop by the museum at Hershey .It's worth the trip.
  19. H

    Where to put it - the registry decal

    I'm going to put mine on a piece of six by six plate glass and round the corners. You can put it on the dash or the rear window.
  20. H

    Correct Trunk Mat?

    While you are at you might as well stitched the corners. MCA got me on that.