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Search results

  1. H

    428CJ 40th Anniversary

    If I'm not mistaken the credit goes to Casey. A member in this site.
  2. H

    Modding plans put to a screeching halt.

    I goofed my wife said that it's only 46. . where has the time gone?
  3. H

    What is a '68 GT/CS Worth?

    Just wondering what the price of gas will have on the antique car situation? Time will tell.
  4. H

    Modding plans put to a screeching halt.

    I think that we have been married for 47 years. After I got my HCS finished she said that since you spent so much money restoring it, I want some new kitchen cabinets. So guess what I had to do. Well any way I hope that you have many happy years of marriage. May God bless.
  5. H

    Royal Maroon GT/CS in PA

    What part of Pa are you located In ??
  6. H

    Power Steering Pump Color?

    yep, that is the color that I painted the pump.
  7. H

    tail light panel question

    What about the tail light bezel? Mine had a odd looking screws.
  8. H

    so much for Limited production runs

    Did you take notice who wrote the article. Two of our own members.Casey and Paul
  9. H

    Stolen Mustang Recovered after 37 years

    Several years ago at the Carlisle show a man was looking for a Shelby that was stolen from him. He saw a car that had the same features on that he done to his car. He called the police but the guy that had the car had all of his papers in order and he was from Canada. After a couple of years I...
  10. H

    Hobbies (Geocaching)

    After being retired for some reason I miss the days off.
  11. H

    Anyone see the '67 Conv CS Clone in latest Restomods magazine?

    hookertrout, just joking but arn"t you a little dangerous with the snow plow? It's a nice looking car.
  12. H

    POLL: Meeting at Carlisle to celebrate the 40th? Please be realistic in your answer.

    The spring and fall show is just a swap meet. The Ford show is a car show plus a swap meet. They also have a Chrysler meet and Gm plus a couple of other ones. The spring and fall one takes more than a day to get through it. They just started to have car auctions. Hope that this will help you.
  13. H

    Travel Plans

    I would love to make the Berry and Gaplin trip but have other obligatin this year. Something like total hip replacement this year for our daughter. Tell every body that I said hi.
  14. H


    The question was what does kitt stand for?
  15. H

    CS Vanity Plates...What do you have/want?

    Check out Mustang Times this month issue.
  16. H

    An Evening with Shelby ...

    He was supposed to attend a banquet at the AACA Museum and he didn't show up. Somebody said that he was offered more money at another engagement.
  17. H


    Hcsstang here ditto about everything.
  18. H

    Concourse GT/CS on eBay again

    If you attend a concours show you lose points being not painted the correct color . So I don't consider it in the concour class.
  19. H

    Mustang Monthly

    Just received my Oct. issue of Mustang monthly. Joel Franckowiak GTCS is featured in the Oct. issue. It disussed the history of the GTCS'S and the High Country Specials. The article is very interesting.
  20. H

    MCA Times

    A 68 HCS is listed in the Times. 1 of 2 black with red interior with Marti report. $10,000. .