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Search results

  1. H

    fog lights

    I think that you are right.
  2. H

    Fog Light History or Fairy Tale

    The square post were never used on the GTCS's.I believe thats right.
  3. H

    Looking for Console Radio Knobs

    Item # 4601388497 Is a 68 radio equiped with console knobs.
  4. H

    Steering Wheels

    When I purchased my hcs it had a grant sterring wheel but I replaced it with an after market orginal wheel.
  5. H

    question, cal special t-shirts

    What ever you use remember about the copy right. It's a sticky proposition. Even the logo " California Made it Happen".
  6. H

    fog lights

    When I restored my car it had two washers for one light but I forgot how they went. If I had my car here I would check but I don't.
  7. H

    fog lights

    Do you have the tapered washers? If I remember correctly each light has two.
  8. H

    What do you think of these wheels?

    I was hoping that St Nick would get me a 68 Shelby, boy was I disappointed.
  9. H

    Battery boil over

    The after market stuff is all crap, I purchased two voltage regulators from two different stores and both were bad. I said it before all stuff made over the ocean is the same way. I had to repaint the motor compartment and part of the fender.
  10. H

    Battery boil over

    When I just finished my car and the first show that I attended my battery boiled over. I checked the voltage regulator and it was bad. I went to another dealer and that one was bad also but I checked it out this time before I ran it. I put the old one on and it worked fine. Took the regulator...
  11. H

    Advice On Vin #

    What about the VIN # in the windshield and under the drivers fender do they match?
  12. H

    68 GT Coupe and 68 GT/CS Diecast Model

    I might as well put my two cents in. candy apple red with white stripes. Plus a HCS decal.
  13. H

    Merry Christmas / Happy Holidays to ALL!

    Have a safe holiday season. Remember what Red Skelton wopuld say at the end of his shows. May GOD bless.
  14. H

    Shelby Fog Lights

    I have only seen then with the square chrome ones
  15. H

    Attention HCS Owners (71F-086?)

    Paul I have the deluxe report from Kevin and it states Order Type STOCK DSO ITEM# 0443 Dealer# 76A009 Courtesy Motors Littleton, Co 80120
  16. H

    Nice Looking Console on eBay

    The console came in either manual shift or auto and the radio knobs are to short.
  17. H

    GTCS 390 S Code on Ebay

    It's not the space for me it's the better half.
  18. H

    Taillight Question-check This Part Number..

    I know that he's wrong but how do you convience him?
  19. H

    Hoping Everyone Has A Safe and Happy Holiday Season

    ditto PS hope the santa brings every thing that you want for your car or 68 Shelby.
  20. H

    Taillight Question-check This Part Number..

    While at the Youngstown MCA show I was talking to one of the judges and he pointed out that MCA states that the bezel is black by the old rules and they are changing the ruling. But he stated that Bob Perkings is not fully convinced that the black is removed.