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Search results

  1. H

    New Dyno numbers!

    My son put a blower in a 02 Cobra mustang and he was tuning it up on the dyno and at the rear wheels had 600 HP. The person that he put it in for said that it wasn't fast enough but he doesn't know how to drive it. He shifts to quick. He also put one in a 05 GT but it wasn't as fast as the 02...
  2. H

    History channel

    By chance did anybody catch the history channel last night? The episode was about muscle cars. They talked about the Shelby car and how they got started. At the end they talked about the 429 : Outlaw: only two were made and one was totaled in transporting. Ford sent the cars overseas to...
  3. H

    My blown GT/CS

    After buying the dyno my son was scraping some money up to pay for the dyno. He had a Boss 302 air scoop so he put it on ebay and he got 1500 for it.
  4. H

    My blown GT/CS

    While at the Grand National at Youngstown my son was hanging around the dyno. He got the bug and last week he got one.
  5. H

    The one that got away

    When my son was about 16 ,he knew where every mustang was for sale. So he took me on one of his excursions and he showed me a Shelby that was for sale . He sure tryed to pursade me to buy it . but I didn't have much money at that time. So I passed it up and he still reminds me of that time...
  6. H

    Side Scoop Under Screen Material

    I used 2 inch wide black vinyl electrican tape.
  7. H

    1966 hcs badges

    Check with the pro Bob Teets.
  8. H

    Lucas Lights Factory Washer?

    I Think that my HCS had them on. If I remember correctly I was going to make a pair but Bob sent me a pair. But I'm not 100 per cent sure.
  9. H

    Lawsuit for false advertisment

    I had the same trouble with the steering wheel inserts but I got them from somebody else.
  10. H

    SEMA show update from Vegas

    SEMA, just what does it stand for? ???
  11. H

    Correct dash pad or not

    I was going to repaint mine also but a fellow mustanger talked me out of it. He said that they are hard to paint especially if Armol was used. I cleaned and cleaned using vinyl prep and I still got fish eyes maybe I used the wrong prep but any way I got a new one.
  12. H


    8)If you run across a S or R code you better latch on it. Especially the R one . Good Luck
  13. H

    The right way to store a CS

    I don't have any heat in my garage so I got a bag that I zip shut. Before I zip it shut I place a few absorbant bags in the car.
  14. H

    1968 HCS on EBAY

    If the #'s match it's a 289 instead of a 302.
  15. H


    One of our GTCS owners lives in direct path of Wilma, Jay Weiner. Palm Springs. Lets hope and pray that he makes out ok and all the others in Flordia..
  16. H

    2006 Calendar - Winners selected

    Come on Houston. 8) But they are losing 2 to 1 right now. :'(
  17. H

    HCS Frame Poll

    Can I change my vote. I voted for the bottom one but the first one would include the 66 and 67 HCS cars.
  18. H

    Brake Master Cylinder, Original or not?

    The master cylinder on my HCS had the same type .I don't know if it's orginal or not so I replaced with the other type.
  19. H

    GT/CS Stuff

    About two years ago Ford Carlisle made a souvenir shirt. On it was a GTCS car. Like a dummy I only got one and after several washings it's to small. I blamed it on the washing machine.
  20. H

    September Denver Car Show

    Was the Denver show a AACA show? The AACA grand national was held in Denver this year, next year it will be held east of the Miss. river. Wanted to go to the Hershey show but we got about five inches of rain. I looked out of the front door and watched it rain. I woke up every couple of hours...