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Search results

  1. H

    Paint Question?

  2. H

    68 radios

    Check with hook. he got a NOS on ebay. I was supposed to look one up at Carlisle but I gave the information on ebay. A 68 radio has black plastic push buttons while a 67 has chrome. At Carlisle I saw them around 10 to 20 bucks.But you take a chance on the working conditions. I was at Carlisle...
  3. H

    An offer, a joke(not funny), and a question

    While at the Youngstown show I lost my Marti report.That report was the deluxe one and it stated that it had the California special options. The very last line it stated that it was a HCS. I got a replacement report and this one states nothing about a HCS. but it has a DSO of Denver.I called...
  4. H

    Help! I'm about to give up on a GT/CS!!

    Just got back fron the fall Carlisle and a GTCS was for sale for 18900. He had the Marti report. He said that it's not registered .If it's not sold this week end I'll get the information next week at Hershey. A couple of guys were looking at it from Australia. At the Ford show a guy was...
  5. H

    Any other 200ci HCS cars?

    If I'm not mistaken I think that you will find two around the Washington D.C. area. One for sure. Every once in a while you run across him in the website.
  6. H

    Westminster car show

    I beat a camaro out . He got third, a 67 fastback got second and my measly HCS got first. I sure was suprised at the results. The show was by special invitation only. A couple of 55 to 57 Chevy were out standing. Even a couple of 55 and 56 Fords. I heard that the sponcer went into the hole buy...
  7. H

    Need Help

    When the console is out replace the shifter bushing. I had to jiggle the auto shifter to get it started. I had to take out the console and had a heck of a time lining the holes up.
  8. H

    Westminster car show

    I just got back from taken my car to the Westminster car show. It's a two day affair all enclosed. Talk about mustangs. Most all of them are trailered. I guess that about six Shelbys KR. Some street rods. and any makes or models. This week end the Westminster show, next week Carlisle and the...
  9. H

    Only on eBay!!!!

    Robby Gordon put his helmet on ebay. That is the one that he threw at Michael Waltrip after the race. Ebay ended the auction that was up to 10 million. The helment was relisted late Wed..He was going to donate all proceeds to the Harrah's Employees Relief Fund.
  10. H

    CS model

    I think that it's an out standing color. IT's different but I like it.
  11. H


    One side is lower than the otter.
  12. H

    2006 Calendar - Get your photos in! - Deadline Sept 26

    Re:2006 Calendar - Get your photos in! Can you use the photo of my HCS that is listed under just testing hcsstang?
  13. H


    I looked through and I don't know many before I found a pair that worked. I fact I purchased a pair on ebay and the seller said that they worked and they didn't. I finally found a pair of HI-lo horns that worked but they were from different years. I think that is where I lost some points at...
  14. H

    If anyone is looking for a NOS gas cap these guys have a few

    Of the two MCA shows that Iv'e been to the judges never opened the gas cap. In fact at the Grand National I had to put tape over the gas snout. That was due to fire regulations. The AACA is the same way .
  15. H

    Grand National Stampede, Youngstown, OH

    With the price of gas , I'm going to pass that show . I'm going to two more shows, One in Westminister Md. and Hershey. Thanks for the complement. Like Don said we had a heck of a good time. Next year one of the grand National is in Erie, Pa. We had a little trouble coming home. One of the...
  16. H

    2008 GT/CS

    I like the idea about blinding someone. You can't be to careful. 8)
  17. H

    HOLY SMOKES! $39,000 GT/CS

    Let's go back to the ;D Hooter's subject. That's more interesting. ;)
  18. H

    Lack of CSs at car shows

    With the price of gas my shows are coming to a hault. I had reservations for my daughter in law but she can't make so I called to cancell her resiversations while talking I asked the price of gas and it's over 3.00 .
  19. H

    Emmisions decal

    The only thing that I can think of is to check with Osborn Printing. I purchased the 67-68 decals from them but the 68 is different than the 67. I had to replace the decal in the trunk area about the jack instructions.
  20. H

    another CS on ebay

    If I'm not mistaken the coil is mounted wrong. It should hook up on the left side of the air cleaner in a horizonal position. It has the wrong breather tube coming out of the valve covers. plus the gas filter. ???