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Search results

  1. admin

    For Sale 1966 High Country Special on eBay - convertible, Timberline Green

    Just popped up on eBay, located in Crown Point, Indiana. The description below is from the seller. I don't know the seller or the car; just posting the info: https://www.ebay.com/itm/176726103249?mkcid=1&mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&siteid=0&customid=link&campid=5335855451&toolid=20001&mkevt=1
  2. admin

    ADMIN 2025 CaliforniaSpecial wall calendars now on sale!

    The 2025 CaliforniaSpecial Calendars are now on sale! PLEASE READ: You are buying directly from the printer rather than me ordering them in bulk and then shipping to you. The calendar price is $14.00 + shipping... BUT... the printer sometimes has discounts. I will try to keep this thread...
  3. admin

    1968 Wide grille molding to grille hardware

    At the top corners of the grille is a screw that connects the grille to the wide grille molding. The FOMOCO diagram shows keynote "T" which is a "retainer" part # C7ZB-8B249. Does anyone have a photo of that? I'm reassembling my grille and have all the screws and nuts in a baggie, but I don't...
  4. admin

    1968 Front fender marker lights - No gasket to the fender, right?

    I just want to confirm that there's not supposed to be a gasket between the front fender side marker light housing and the fender itself. There's a gasket behind the lens, but not between light housing and the painted fender, correct? And the bulb is part #1178 in amber, not clear?
  5. admin

    ADMIN VOTE NOW for the 2025 Calendar - Voting closes Sun night, Nov 3rd

    It's time to vote for the 2025 wall calendar. Choose your favorite 8 photos. Remember, you only get one chance to vote, so pick your 8 carefully. So you might be asking, if there are going to be 12 winners + 1 cover, why only vote for 8? The answer is to avoid too many ties. With only 15 photos...
  6. admin

    ADMIN CALL FOR PHOTOS! -Submit your pics for the 2025 CS Calendar! - Deadline Mon Oct 14, 2024

    Hard to believe, but it's already time to start submitting photos for the next CS.com wall calendar! So here's the official call for entries. Please submit your photo no later than Mon Oct 14, 2024. We'll all vote on the photos and the top 12 will be used. They'll be on sale in time to get...
  7. admin

    1968 Windshield and rear glass - number of trim clips?

    I'm mostly looking for a sanity check on the number and size of trim clips for the windshield and rear glass. When I took my glass out a year ago I put the clips in 2 ziplock bags clearly labeled "windshield" and "rear glass" but it looks like I have more clips than are needed. It seems very...
  8. admin

    1968 VIN tag on dash - Does the dash pad slip under or is it cut out?

    For the VIN tag on the passenger's side dash, does the dash pad just slip under the VIN tag or was there a cut out on original dash pads where the VIN tag sits? I'm installing a new dash pad and my original was in such bad shape that it doesn't help me with this question.
  9. admin

    1968 Tail light issues - how much is tied to other lights?

    So this post may be more for documenting because the question may answer itself as I continue reassembly. But at the moment my rear tail lights work on hazards only. And with only hazards on, only my right taillight works. If I turn on hazards and either turn signal then both taillights blink...
  10. admin

    1968 Progress on recovering front seats, using 1969 headrests

    I just wanted to share some progress photos of recovering my seats this weekend. I'm using 1968 upholstery, but 1969 seat frames to get the factory headrests. Original 1969 seats. These were pretty rough with quite a bit of rust on the frame. So I stripped them down, shot them with some rust...
  11. admin

    1968 Autolite 2100 2V carb accelerator pump disintegrating after 3 months?

    I had rebuilt my 289-2V carb just about 3 months ago when I fired up my freshly rebuilt engine. All new parts including accelerator pump. It's been at the paint shop for most of that time, so has only been started to get it on and off the trailer. And that was a struggle because the engine...
  12. admin

    1968 ID these fasteners...

    I'm organizing my ziplock bags of parts getting ready for re-assembly, but I've run across some bolts that were mislabeled. Anyone know what these are? I thought the studs w/ nuts on them were maybe the rear quarter panel extension bolts, but they aren't. The studs are smaller diamater and...
  13. admin

    1968 Tail light bulb sockets

    It appears the light bulb sockets are not removable from the housing. Can anyone confirm? One of my lenses must have had a leak at some point. The sockets on that side are all corroded and rusted.
  14. admin

    1968 GT/CS & HCS stripe decal kits? Any favorite vendors?

    I'm looking at stripe kits and there are a few different suppliers that the major Mustang shops carry, and pricing is all over the place, so hard to judge quality. Anyone have experience with any of them? NPD sells kits by "Decal Magic" for $128 -...
  15. admin

    1968 Are reproduction steel hoods any good?

    When I had my HCS media blasted it looks like the hood got warped a bit. It's not terrible, but In the right light you can see slight indentations in all the spots where there isn't structural frame on the underside. Talking to a paint/bodywork guy, he's suggesting getting a new hood instead of...
  16. admin

    1968 Checklist for initial start of a rebuilt engine

    I'm getting ready to fire up my rebuilt 289-2V for the first time and want a sanity check to be sure I'm not missing any steps: Fuel Carb was running fine when I pulled the engine, but I cleaned out the bowl, float, jets, needle and seat with liberal sprays of carb cleaner to get rid of any...
  17. admin

    1968 Power steering pump rebuild - pressure plate cracked!

    I opened up my PS pump to rebuild it (gaskets, seals, O rings) and got a little surprise when I took off the pump housing. The pressure plate was cracked clean in half? It's been a few years since I drove it, but at the time there were no issues with the power steering. Worked fine, no weird...
  18. admin

    1968 Driveshaft paint stripe colors - 289 2V, C-4 automatic

    Just some photos of the driveshaft paint stripes on my '68 HCS as I'm cleaning it off. My green and pink stripes look pretty wide and smeared compared to some of the other photos I've seen people post. And then the big smeared, overlapping mess of colors in photo 3. :rolleyes:
  19. admin

    1968 Long overdue progress photos from my '68 HCS

    I've been steadily making progress on my HCS, but have been really bad about posting, so here's a thread to catch everyone up. Before and after photos of disassembly and media blasting. No big surprises on where the rust was. It was obvious before blasting. But it was good to not see any...
  20. admin

    1968 Re-assembling 289-2V. Not getting oil to one rocker arm

    I'm reassembling my 289 and am at the point where I've primed the engine for oil and have adjusted my rocker arms. The issue I'm having is that all my rocker arms are getting good oil flow except one. The #5 exhaust valve (passenger side, furthest forward) rocker is not getting oil. (I'm priming...