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1968 1966/67/68 - Please Help! Pictures and stories wanted for German Mustang Magazine


New member
Sep 18, 2024
I'm a photographer and jounalist currently (in Germany) writing an extensive article about the history of early limited / special Mustang editions, such as the High Country Special (1967-68), California Special (1968), Ski Country Special (1967) and the very rare Goodro She Country Special (1968) and even the Goodro He Country Special (1968) for the German "Mustang News" magazine. This is a non-commercial print media for all members of the First Mustang Club of Germany (https://www.mustangclub.de/), one of the largest vintage Mustang clubs outside of the USA.

For that article I'm looking for good pictures of the above mentioned special Mustangs but also for great stories about the history of their cars that the owners would like to share with me and our club members. I'm also interested in copies of original invoices, window stickers etc. - all documents and material from that years (1966-1968) related to the Special Mustangs. If you are an owner of one of the early special Mustangs and if you have some good pictures etc. and story of your car, willing to share, please let me know!

If you don't have good pictures, but own such car in the area around Denver / Moab / Salt Lake City, I will be traveling there in the next two weeks, please let me know and we could also set-up a dedicated photo shooting.

Please PM me in case you would like to share some content! FYI I attach a copy of one of my recent articles (interview with Jay Leno) in that magazine, so you can see how it will look like.

Many thanks for your input and support!
Regards from Germany,


  • Mustang-News-Magazn-2024-1-JayLeno_SML.pdf
    1.1 MB · Views: 82


Well-known member
Jun 12, 2012
Victoria BC Canada
I'm a photographer and jounalist currently (in Germany) writing an extensive article about the history of early limited / special Mustang editions, such as the High Country Special (1967-68), California Special (1968), Ski Country Special (1967) and the very rare Goodro She Country Special (1968) and even the Goodro He Country Special (1968) for the German "Mustang News" magazine. This is a non-commercial print media for all members of the First Mustang Club of Germany (https://www.mustangclub.de/), one of the largest vintage Mustang clubs outside of the USA.

For that article I'm looking for good pictures of the above mentioned special Mustangs but also for great stories about the history of their cars that the owners would like to share with me and our club members. I'm also interested in copies of original invoices, window stickers etc. - all documents and material from that years (1966-1968) related to the Special Mustangs. If you are an owner of one of the early special Mustangs and if you have some good pictures etc. and story of your car, willing to share, please let me know!

If you don't have good pictures, but own such car in the area around Denver / Moab / Salt Lake City, I will be traveling there in the next two weeks, please let me know and we could also set-up a dedicated photo shooting.

Please PM me in case you would like to share some content! FYI I attach a copy of one of my recent articles (interview with Jay Leno) in that magazine, so you can see how it will look like.

Many thanks for your input and support!
Regards from Germany,
Where is it that you want pictures sent?


Well-known member
Aug 5, 2008
Hello Thomas, I sent you an email. Let me know if you didn’t get it. I can get you set up with an R code and X code in Denver for photos. And a ‘66 if interested. Thanks


Well-known member
Apr 1, 2007
Any body heard from this guy latley? He was suppsosed to be coming to Loveland this PM for pics, I've not heard a thing from him, and i can't find his german tele number.


New member
Sep 18, 2024
Any body heard from this guy latley? He was suppsosed to be coming to Loveland this PM for pics, I've not heard a thing from him, and i can't find his german tele number.
Thanks Dave for your great support and for today’s photo shooting - beautiful car! We will stay in touch by email.


Well-known member
Apr 1, 2007
Thanks Dave for your great support and for today’s photo shooting - beautiful car! We will stay in touch by email.
Thomas, Thank you. It was great to meet you and enjoyed showing you the car. Next time you are USA let me know & we will take you to Rocky Mountain National Park, for some sightseeing. Thanks again.