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For Sale 1968 GT/CS going up at Barrett-Jackson next week! New to Registry!


Well-known member
Jun 12, 2012
Victoria BC Canada
$27,000 US is pretty good I think. That should come in around $30,000 CDN. Add in the commission and it's not a bad price for a low option car. IMHO...:grin:

It was nice to see them do a pre-auction feature on it. I wish I had been able to catch the pre-amble as the car came to the block, but they came back to the car part way through the actual bidding.

Still fun to see one of 'our' cars at Barrett-Jackson. :cool:


Well-known member
Jun 12, 2012
Victoria BC Canada
Both the commentators at BJ and the Marti state that the car is a 289. The picture on the BJ site clearly shows a 302 sticker on the air cleaner. Assuming that the engine has been changed, that may have held the value down a bit.

Do we know anything more about this car? I'd be interested to know the mileage on it for one thing.

BTW...the sold price is now shown as $29,700.
