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For Sale 1968 J code GT/CS on E bay


Well-known member
Mar 1, 2007
I noticed the Marti does not list P/B, but the dealer bill of sale does, and one of the photos does show a P/B booster.
Dealer added option? Power drum or disc brakes?



Active member
Aug 12, 2013
I am perplexed, and have to ask this question...
How is it that this car first sold for 18.2K, then was rear ended (minor quarter panel damage per owner), repainted, and then sold for over 28K?

I am not disparaging the car, a one owner (technically 2 if you count the dealer who bought it), its a great car.. I just don't see how the price could jump that drastically....it was repainted without the original hood.

Especially in light of the fact that the current one on ebay, seemingly an original and nice car, has a buy it now of 25???

Is it a color thing? (red vs. Ivy gold?)
The red one had a 289-2v, the Ivy gold a 302? am I missing something?

I am scratching my head on this, can anyone enlighten me?


Active member
Aug 12, 2013
oops my apologies, I meant to post this in the other post regarding the one that sold on ebay.....MY APOLOGIES CLASICSGUY!!!