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2007 Shelby Mustangs...$20K over sticker!!!


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2005
So Cal
Yeah, it's really crazy! A few weeks ago I spoke to one of the managers of a local Ford dealership and he claimed they were getting some Shelbys and he was going to mark them up $25k over MSRP! That's too much! But you know some guys out there with more cash than brains will pay it ... and just think, Ford's MSRP of $40k isn't really too bad for what you're getting, it's just the "feeding-frenzy" that drives the price up ...

still looking for one

Well-known member
Apr 26, 2006
Price will reflect what the market will bear.

I'm sure the best thing to do would be to wait till the hoopla dies down, and the people who "had to have one" got one.

When the first '05 Mustangs came out they sold for WAY over sticker.

Now that demand slowed down, prices are in line.

Same thing happened when the first Mazda Miata models came here.
Assemblyman (later mayor of San Francisco) Willy Brown, had to have, just had to have one of the first ones, and he paid $15-$20k over sticker to be the first on the block to have it. I don't know what was wrong with the black Porsche 911 he was driving....


Feb 6, 2006
David City, Nebraska
A buddy of mine here in Nebraska got a deal done for $10K over and he was pretty happy with that. I am hearing the average around here to be closer to $20k. Ouch, that a pricely sum to be first on the block. On the other hand that new Shelby should be really awesome.


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
still looking for one said:
Price will reflect what the market will bear.

I'm sure the best thing to do would be to wait till the hoopla dies down, and the people who "had to have one" got one.

When the first '05 Mustangs came out they sold for WAY over sticker.

Now that demand slowed down, prices are in line.

Same thing happened when the first Mazda Miata models came here.
Assemblyman (later mayor of San Francisco) Willy Brown, had to have, just had to have one of the first ones, and he paid $15-$20k over sticker to be the first on the block to have it. I don't know what was wrong with the black Porsche 911 he was driving....
And the people of San Francisco elected this guy to control their city budget????? It's obvious he makes great financial decisions.

still looking for one

Well-known member
Apr 26, 2006
'07 Shelby, BIN $99,999.00 ebay

Mosesatm said:
And the people of San Francisco elected this guy to control their city budget????? It's obvious he makes great financial decisions.

Umm. well, Arlie, I was there at the time; you had to "be" there; the guy really oozed charisma, he was and is, a brilliant career politico, plus it was political suicide to criticize him - (ever heard of the "race card" ?) No one dared....

Back to the 2007 Shelby. www.jalopnik.com took a look at the prices yesterday, and looked at ebay, $20,000 just to secure a place in line; www.ebay.com
ebay motors, shelby, auction # 4639991877, currently at $67,000, BUY IT NOW $99,999.00, (gulp) "serious buyers" only, probably some teenagers clicking, but delivery supposedly firm 6-12-06, Texas Ford dealer claims to be the biggest Mustang seller and therefore receives first Shelby allocation(s)

And nevermind the first one sold at Barrett Jackson, for $600,000, that doesn't count, it was a charity write off.
