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40th at Knott's?


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2006
While enjoying some fine dining with a handful distinguished GT/CS owners very recently, the topic of a 40th anniversary celebration came up.

Someone suggested that a gathering should be done at the Fabulous Fords Forever show in April 2008 at Knott's Berry Farm in Southern California. The only problem being coordinating everyone parking together. Someone also suggested that "wouldn't it be cool if we could be recognized at the show, for our 40th anniversary of the Mustang California Special?".

A show within a show is common at the Fab Ford show. The Maverick guys have what they call a mini-meet every year amongst themselves. The Early Bronco Club has a jamboree every year during the show too.

Well I know a handful of the members of the Ford Council that organize the Fab Ford Show every year.
I called one of my contacts this evening pitching my idea. My friend said that recognizing the GT/CS's this upcoming year was definitely already on the table. He said that he is willing to lobby for it, thinking it is a good idea possibly having a then and now tie in. (Ford Motor Company is the major sponsor of this show).

So what do you all think? Does anyone believe that we could get 30 cars to attend? 40 or more?

I am 99% sure that arrangements could be made to have a California Special only parking section reserved for 2008. That is right, separate from the 1968 Coupes.

Ideas or suggestions?

I am planning on making at least two more phone calls, one to an officer of the Orange County Mustang Club (GT/CS owner) and the other to the now president of the Ford Council.
I am confident that this has a real chance of happening.
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This is a great idea, and thanks for taking the time to contact the right folks.

Keep me posted, as I'll mention this in the mailer--that will go out to 1,000 members of the Registry.

I've got interest from Galpin Ford for a GT/CS Car show, too. Not sure when, 'tho. The day before Knotts??

We should decide if we want both the '68 and '07-'08 cars together, or in separated areas--both within the GT/CS "Corrall".

Years ago, I requested that all the GT/CS Mustangs be allowed to park together--and they said yes. I think at that time, we had about 8 cars.

I can see Ford liking this, because of the upcoming '08 GT/CS. It looks great for them to OK this.

Paul N.


Well-known member
Apr 26, 2005
Hudson Valley Area, NY
For those not able to make it to the West Coast or want to do both.

I've contacted Carlisle about doing something at the Ford Carlisle weekend in June.
I think usually they get 5-6 CS and HCS cars. Even if it's the opportunity to park together would be good.

No response yet but will try again.


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2005
So Cal
While enjoying some fine dining with a handful distinguished GT/CS owners very recently, the topic of a 40th anniversary celebration came up.

Someone suggested that a gathering should be done at the Fabulous Fords Forever show in April 2008 at Knott's Berry Farm in Southern California. The only problem being coordinating everyone parking together. Someone also suggested that "wouldn't it be cool if we could be recognized at the show, for our 40th anniversary of the Mustang California Special?".

A show within a show is common at the Fab Ford show. The Maverick guys have what they call a mini-meet every year amongst themselves. The Early Bronco Club has a jamboree every year during the show too.

Well I know a handful of the members of the Ford Council that organize the Fab Ford Show every year.
I called one of my contacts this evening pitching my idea. My friend said that recognizing the GT/CS's this upcoming year was definitely already on the table. He said that he is willing to lobby for it, thinking it is a good idea possibly having a then and now tie in. (Ford Motor Company is the major sponsor of this show).

So what do you all think? Does anyone believe that we could get 30 cars to attend? 40 or more?

I am 99% sure that arrangements could be made to have a California Special only parking section reserved for 2008. That is right, separate from the 1968 Coupes.

Ideas or suggestions?

I am planning on making at least two more phone calls, one to an officer of the Orange County Mustang Club (GT/CS owner) and the other to the now president of the Ford Council.
I am confident that this has a real chance of happening.

This is great news!!! I've been talking about getting the FFF show honoring the GT/CS for '08 for a while now and I've even contacted one of the FFF show reps to suggest that they do this.
I'm glad to see that one of our own folks (Thank you, Cougar CJ!!) has some contacts who can be helpful with this process, and also give us the inside scoop on what's happening.

For "ideas or suggestions?" since it was mentioned to have the CS's park together, how about in the middle grassy area where they sometimes showcase special cars every year? There are probably some pro's and con's about this ... CougarCJ may be able to fill us in on his experience with parking there since he had his Cougar parked there last year (or was it the year before???) ...

Diesel Donna

Well-known member
Dec 22, 2004
I don't think the 07 and 08 CS's should be mingled in with the 68's..it's not their 40th birthday and that is what we are celebrating. If they want to park a couple of them nearby, that's okay.

Just my opinion.


Jun 25, 2007
07's and 08's not welcome ???

If the 07"s and 08's are not welcome to park with the 68 group, then maybe they should start their own group forum. It's too bad if that is the group consensus.


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2006
There are probably some pro's and con's about this ... CougarCJ may be able to fill us in on his experience with parking there since he had his Cougar parked there last year (or was it the year before???) ...

It was this past year, 2007.

It was really nice to have my car recognized on the baseball field. To be honest it was a last minute thing. My car was actually a backup car. There were several Cougar owners that had to make late minute cancellations.

Not only did I get prefered grass parking, but they also constructed a display sign that I got to keep for future shows.


Just to clarify, this car originally came with the AM/8track stereo option. $195.60 option in 1969. It got burned in the fire.

The only down side, was that most of my friends were out on the pavement.
I kind of posted my Marti report, the window sticker with the above sign and scrammed out of there.
I enjoy the Knott's show too much to be tied down to my Cougar.
Funny, I always bring a chair but never take it out of the trunk.


Well-known member
Aug 13, 2005
If the 07"s and 08's are not welcome to park with the 68 group, then maybe they should start their own group forum. It's too bad if that is the group consensus.

Westwood, I don't believe our group would push out the 07'-08's. I believe the mention was to have the 68's park as a group, and the 07'-08's park as a group, but in the same corral.

We are all proud owners of the GT/CS, regardless of year. I quess I have a clearer view of the situation since I was present at the dinner. Please forgive any mis-communication in this thread. We are all one big family.



Well-known member
Mar 12, 2005
Lake Forest, CA

Thanks for making the calls and using your contacts to try and get recognition for the GT/CS at Knott's next year. It would be amazing to see 30 - 40 of our cars there. You can count me in!!


If the 07"s and 08's are not welcome to park with the 68 group, then maybe they should start their own group forum. It's too bad if that is the group consensus.

Westwood (and all other late model CS owners). I'm sorry that this came out. I didn't mean to say that the '07/08 GT/CSs should be completely separate, I was just thinking of having two areas WITHIN the same GT/CS area.

I've been watching for some time here how the old and new owners, and their cars are getting along. I can see the pride for the original cars, but the new CSs are just as "California Special" as the rest. I know of at least two families that have one of each. We can't let our pride create a divide here.

My GT/CS Registry is open to BOTH the '68 and 2007/2008 GT/CS Mustangs. The book will have a whole chapter on the late models, and their development. I don't think that the Mustang world wil lcome to a halt if we mix both new and old. I'd think of the new cars as a showing of just how strong the marque STILL is--to have it come back after 39 years. What does that say? It stregthens the old cars (and their values), and it opens up a future of the marque for the new cars.

So--lets park together. My Two bits (OK, four bits...LOL)

Paul N.

Diesel Donna

Well-known member
Dec 22, 2004
If the 07"s and 08's are not welcome to park with the 68 group, then maybe they should start their own group forum. It's too bad if that is the group consensus.

I never implied that the new CS's weren't welcome. It was clear to me what Paul's post said...to park in the same corral but seperate the 68's from the new ones. Same with what Mike said.
But the spotlight should be on the 68's. That's what the anniversary is about isn't it?


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2007
Valencia, California
I maybe missing something but in many car shows aren't the cars staged by make/model and year? That way the best of both worlds come together the new and the old.

I'll be there.
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