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. 50th at Woodburn, Oregon


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2002
Nice pics Scott. We were there with the 08. The 68 died on the way and didn't make it out of the Landmark Ford parking lot where we were to gather. We counted a total of 5-68 GT/CS's and one clone. Somewhere near 900 Mustangs attempting to break the Geneis (sp) book of records for most Mustangs in a parade. We needed over the 640 or there about that is the record.


Well-known member
May 22, 2009
Nice pics Scott. We were there with the 08. The 68 died on the way and didn't make it out of the Landmark Ford parking lot where we were to gather. We counted a total of 5-68 GT/CS's and one clone. Somewhere near 900 Mustangs attempting to break the Geneis (sp) book of records for most Mustangs in a parade. We needed over the 640 or there about that is the record.

That record should be smashed in Charlotte Friday in a cruse with over 1500 cars registered. We will see.