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. a matter of conscience


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2003
because of the chance of rumors i wanted to be clear.

i was trying to decide what info to put with my calender picture last night, and found that i no longer
want to be apart of cs.com.

Because of Rob Cambell and Arlie Moses, continually causing trouble at Saac, causing the moderator to lockout threads
and Rob Cambells use of the words "WE AT CS.COM", i have to seperate myself from cs.com.

i don't know about the rest here, but Rob Cambell does not speak for me! their actions have cause many people to not frequent cs.com
and have had repercussions to the extent of a Saac member posting this:

"One of the reasons I sold my 390 GT/CS was because of all the bickering among many of the GT/CS owners. I choose not to have a vested intrest any longer.

Of course the SAAC site there are disagreements but not as nasty as there was over there. Both sites have individuals with MAJOR egos but the SAAC members seem to just “agree to disagree” and then go on and build the 66-70 Shelby brand. "

i was hoping through the summer that Rob Cambell, Arlie Moses, would get things out of their system, that everyone could move on,but they have just gotten bolder.
this site and the GT/CS is tarnished by their actions.
i have asked Jon to remove me from the calender, and am removing myself and my cars from this site

i still consider many here as friends, and i hope to see you at the shows.
to keep a clear conscience this is what i have to do, i wish things would have changed.


Well-known member
Mar 1, 2007
Sorry you feel that way, jbart. I haven't noted any 'bickering' on our CS/HCS site for a couple of years now. I can't speak for the SAAC site, as I don't own a Shelby, and consequently don't visit there.
My knowledge of the 2 individuals you specified, is that they have been knowledgable & helpful on this website.
Hope you continue to enjoy your California Special, no matter what site you prefer or choose to use.


Midnight Special

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Grass Valley, California
Sorry you feel that way, jbart. I haven't noted any 'bickering' on our CS/HCS site for a couple of years now. I can't speak for the SAAC site, as I don't own a Shelby, and consequently don't visit there.
My knowledge of the 2 individuals you specified, is that they have been knowledgable & helpful on this website.
Hope you continue to enjoy your California Special, no matter what site you prefer or choose to use.


...Well stated, Neil...


Well-known member
Sep 29, 2007
Redmond, OR

Well, that's too bad, hope things work out. I have appreciated both of the guys expertise. But look, people are people, everyone makes mistakes, it's much easier to forgive and move on.


Well-known member
Aug 15, 2004
Rosharon, Texas
I have always wondered about folks who post "that's it I'm leaving this site". Does anyone really care? If I disappeared someone eventually may wonder, what ever happened to Bill, he hasn't posted in a long time. I just don't get the grandstanding thing. Maybe I just don't think highly enough of myself.
I don't own my car because of this site. What??? Only an idiot would sell their car because of the antics of this or any other website. I'm sorry but give me a break. Your going to have to find a much more substantial excuse than that, cuz that's just what it is.
How about, I was ready for a change, my wife made me sell it, the dog ate my tires, it had a small dent, it smelled wierd, never drove right.
Nope you came up with it's Arlie and Roberts fault. Gotta just laugh at this one.
JBart you just made whomever was number 14 for the calendar a happy person, that's about it. Just so your math will add up that would be 12 + 1 cover.

Please enjoy wherever you go. I don't buy this drama stuff, I get enough of that from my 14 year old Daughter and to tell the truth she's much better at it.


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
"Please enjoy wherever you go. I don't buy this drama stuff, I get enough of that from my 14 year old Daughter and to tell the truth she's much better at it."

Bill, you owe me a new laptop screen!
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robert campbell

Well-known member
Apr 10, 2007
Below is the post on the SAAC site that jbart is speaking of. I will not deny that I have tried to defend the people of this site and have caused consternation on the SAAC site trying to do this. You be the judge of the exact words posted below. The first paragraph was posted by a sportyworty, a SAAC member. He sees it as it is. The rest are my words. Nothing altered or changed.

I am sorry that jbart has left based on this. His choice. I wish him luck, and never had a quarrel with him personally.


Re: GT/CS Registry (1968) Preserved at Petersen Museum

« Reply #23 on: October 19, 2011, 08:28:02 PM »



Quote from: sportyworty on October 17, 2011, 08:35:33 PM

I agree Rob. As for the Peterson Museum being the right place to preserve the GT/CS heritage...BS. Give them a copy for the vault. It was done for one reason only and that was to hoard from someone else using it to continue what he no longer had interest in. If he was sincere in the love for the model he would have passed the torch not closed the book...literally. The museum was a clever out.

My words,
The truth was told in the above. I have no idea who sportyworty is, but he see's it as it is. No amount of picking at the people on the GT/CS site will hide this. If the old registrar was true to Mike Jewell (sorry for my miss-spelling) and the heritage of these cars as he claims he is, then he would have turned over the registry to Mike. The other fact that the registrar left out is his complete throwing of Mike under the bus. After all Mike did for him and the GT/CS hobby! Personally supporting him and even helping with trying to sell the registrar's car. The sad thing is the registry is already more complete due to the hard work of Mike and Arlie. Paul's registry will die like all static stuff in this day and age. It will be irrelevant in a year or so.

Plain and simple. The other funny thing is the "I am done", and then "I want to organize another gathering".....

When Paul Newitt quits telling lies about the good people on the GT/CS site, I (we) will leave him alone. I encourage the SAAC moderators to take away this pulpit to continue to spew these lies. The GT/CS/HCS site is full of fair and balanced people. Just like this site! He has used this site for nothing more than a place to market his book and vent on people who did not agree with his treatment of members of GT/CS.com. His latest postings are truth further.

The SAAC site is full of good people furthering their hobby and love of fine Fords. The GT/CS part of this site is a pulpit for one man. Little more.

The above are facts with no emotion. WE at GT/CS.com want to continue the heritage of these niche Mustangs nothing more. The ability to do this without continual bad press on a site of this prestige. Please monitor this thread, and this part of the SAAC Forum, and remove further comments that disparage the fine members of GT/CS.com. It is one thing to agree to disagree within the confines of your site, but to know that someone on another site poisons people of like interests to participate with you on your site is so wrong on so many levels.


Report to moderator


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2006
Brisbane Australia
Hmmm.... pretty bland post for the knee-jerk "I'm outta here" reaction. So Paul's a lightning rod, nothing new. Just ignore him... no need to drop to his level... best to stick to facts.

However, I do have concerns about ANY individual posting and claiming to represent this forum, unless a vote is held and 100% of registered users approve... I'd never assume to speak for this site (or any other) and post anything that indicated the words were nothing but my personal view, and not the view of others I did not consult before posting on "their behalf"...


Well-known member
Aug 9, 2009
I was an "outside guest" long before I actually joined this site. I joined this site because of guys like Arlie and Rob who gratiously shared great information and their insight about these cars. I have not seen the level of bickering that is spoken of but I only use the site recreationally and to pick up hints and tidbits of info to help me maintain my cars. I personally know Arlie and have recently bought his long coveted Gulfstream Aqua car. I found Arlie to be honest and forthright with me in our dealings and he remains a treasure trove of info that I can't find in any book. I don't know any members of SAAC but have been to the SAAC site and have found as much consternation as with any site. I think that's just being human....Not anything I would use to judge anyone with and certainly not predicate my inclusion or exclusion from membership in a forum of interested individuals with a common interest and varied personalities. Cherish the differences. I have and it has helped me along the way.....shane

Midnight Special

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Grass Valley, California
After reading there, it seems the SAAC moderator would do well to moderate based on checking facts rather than who's a paid member or not. Jbart's drama further cheapens their efforts (along with the guy who says he "sold because of us"), which only plays into the hands of the book author who continues to lay his bed across railroad tracks...

I personally don't fault Rob for wanting to defend us, but it's also apparent to me that SAAC never wanted GT/CS owners there anyway.
So let 'em lock their threads to logic until Newitt's books are sold while we keep doing here what works beautifully for us. ...At last......>


Well-known member
Mar 29, 2005
I spend the majority of my time here and at the Boss and the CJ forums, as I'm more specifically into certain models and years of Mustang, rather than the general stuff these days. Both of those site as fairly small like this one, and both are somewhat heavily moderated--and because of this, people "tend" to behave themselves and self-police pretty well most of the time.

I think that the Paul stuff and this type of thread need to stop NOW, as they serve absolutely no purpose. True, I can choose not to read these posts, or to just drift off, but I like the information here and the people. But I prefer the CJ Forum because there is no drama...I have enough of that with the chicks at work every day.

So I am asking the Forum owner/Moderator to step in with an iron fist for just a little while (or if he's too busy with Real Life, maybe appoint someone to do the dirty work?) and to get rid of this type of BS. I think this thread should be locked or, better, deleted, and anything similar in the future should also get deleted. After the agitators get their threads deleted a few times, they'll either go away, or start to behave themselves and perhaps will resume talking about MUSTANGS again, which is why we're all here.


New member
Nov 27, 2008
J.BART said:
"One of the reasons I sold my 390 GT/CS was because of all the bickering among many of the GT/CS owners. I choose not to have a vested intrest any longer.
Talk about drama. Sheesh.

frank s

Well-known member
May 31, 2009
San Diego CA USA
JBart's "flounce" upon departure was easy to predict. Seems to me he's been in training with a drama-queen tutor for a couple years now. Long live the sycophant. The needy do flock together, eh?

I'm not all that thrilled with the thought processes over at SAAC; although the folks I have met from there are upstanding, generous, pleasant, and helpful in person, I'm wary of their online conduct, ever since one of their "moderators" suspended me for a week or a month or such because of something I said to him/her in a private message. Chicken s**t mortar forker wouldn't identify him/herself. I reckon if SAAC backs such a dolt, they are unpredictable at best. Not that many people over there are interested in GT/CS, anyway.

Just a stray thought: if you think you are indispensable, or even significant, stick your finger in a glass of water and notice the hole it leaves when you take it out.


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
I spend the majority of my time here and at the Boss and the CJ forums, as I'm more specifically into certain models and years of Mustang, rather than the general stuff these days. Both of those site as fairly small like this one, and both are somewhat heavily moderated--and because of this, people "tend" to behave themselves and self-police pretty well most of the time.

I think that the Paul stuff and this type of thread need to stop NOW, as they serve absolutely no purpose. True, I can choose not to read these posts, or to just drift off, but I like the information here and the people. But I prefer the CJ Forum because there is no drama...I have enough of that with the chicks at work every day.

So I am asking the Forum owner/Moderator to step in with an iron fist for just a little while (or if he's too busy with Real Life, maybe appoint someone to do the dirty work?) and to get rid of this type of BS. I think this thread should be locked or, better, deleted, and anything similar in the future should also get deleted. After the agitators get their threads deleted a few times, they'll either go away, or start to behave themselves and perhaps will resume talking about MUSTANGS again, which is why we're all here.

The way I see it the agitators took their balls and went home.

Midnight Special

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Grass Valley, California
...I think that the Paul stuff and this type of thread need to stop NOW, as they serve absolutely no purpose. True, I can choose not to read these posts, or to just drift off, but I like the information here and the people. But I prefer the CJ Forum because there is no drama...I have enough of that with the chicks at work every day.

So I am asking the Forum owner/Moderator to step in with an iron fist for just a little while ... and to get rid of this type of BS. I think this thread should be locked or, better, deleted, and anything similar in the future should also get deleted.

...With implied exception to mine, I consider all of the responses here as reasonable and respectful by folks who have made more than their share of contributions. No need to lock this thread. And although we're primarily about "Mustangs", many friendships have kindered well beyond cars...including, by mail, phone and in person. Jbart was no exception until his latest post (request). Nonetheless, people have something to say, so let 'em say it and clear the air. Otherwise, it pops up as another one-sided injustice further down the road.
Like it or not - it's all part of the same passion that comes with loyalty....>

On a side note - maybe "the chics at work" are due some similar well-meaning feedback.
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robert campbell

Well-known member
Apr 10, 2007
I think one of the biggest part missing in all this discussion is the close knit family that exists on this site not very well advertised. Tim (midnight special) has hosted a several get togethers at his home and has been a most gracious host. I have had the privilege of his hospitality! He let me stay at his house. When we put together the “coffee table” book of those members that wanted to participate it culminated at Tim’s house. We all thanked Cory for the work that he did and signed each others books. Cory put a huge amount of time in this book but never indicated that nor sought any accolades for it. He did it for us. I am the type of guy who wears his emotion on his sleeve, and to see the reaction of Cory, and his family was a very special moment in my life. He was overwhelmed with our thanks.

This event was so much fun. I (we) got to meet the people on our site. WOW! I will post a pic. Many of the very active members of this site were there and a year later I hosted a barbeque at my lake and a bunch of Northwest and Canada people showed up. Neil came all the way from North Carolina. He is an awesome man and reminds me of my father. I have got to meet Bob Teets in person. Neil and Bob are so alike and so kind.

I guess what I am saying is there are so many great people on this site. We love our cars, but there is so much more if you make the effort to attend an event. This site is small, but the people are not. Tim has talked about another gathering in Grass Valley. I encourage you to travel and meet him and the rest of your family first hand. You will not be sorry and the gaggle of GT/CS, HCS, and other specialty Mustangs that show up will amaze you. Bring yours! Tim has lots of room! I can type this and know that Tim is fine with it!! Didn’t bring a car, no worry Tim will hand you his keys!!

I guess in closing there are very active members on YOUR site that you should meet in person sometime. Great people who will help you with any issue on your car.

The start of this thread is dead in my mind. We are better for some of the controversy. I am one lucky person to have meet the people on this site.

Cory and his family at Tim's house

Lake barbeque

Midnight Special

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Grass Valley, California
...Grand Daddy of all NorCal GT/CS family gatherings inspired by this website
in Chicago Park, CA courtesy Mike & Robinette Jewell (somethingspecial).
They set the standard in 2006 and '07 with an All Star cast from across the U.S!...


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Well-known member
Nov 1, 2007
The Great Northwest
Loved the "coctail cruise", Rob. Man, that beef brisket was so darn GOOD!! (photo 2 & 3)

Do I dare post this photo of the "Northwest GT/CS get together" in 2009? (photo 1)

And Mike Jewell hosting the SAAC 35 GT/CS get together in 2010. Yes, Specials with the Shelbys. (photo 4)

I love my GT/CS family... the good, the bad, and the downright FUN of it all!!

So, in a matter of conscience, I must say I made the right choice when saddled with the decision to buy that Shelby GT 350 (only $1K more) or buy the GT/CS (photo 5).


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Well-known member
Apr 23, 2007
Valencia, California
i don't know about the rest here, but Rob Cambell does not speak for me! their actions have cause many people to not frequent cs.com
and have had repercussions to the extent of a Saac member posting this:

"One of the reasons I sold my 390 GT/CS was because of all the bickering among many of the GT/CS owners. I choose not to have a vested intrest any longer."

My humble apology for rehashing this but felt that I needed to say a few things. I will try not to ramble.

I really don’t understand why jbart and whomever else is keeping up this bickering and I especially would like to be kept out of it; Please again jbart keep me and my comments out of your "agenda" with whom-ever you have at cs.com.

1- I personally think that Tim, Mike J, Arlie and a number of others at cs.com are upstanding people and of great assistance when I was originally buying, fixing up and selling my car.

2- Lets start at the beginning I bought my 390 CS after I sold my 66 GT350 for a ridicules amount of money about 5 years or so and thought that I would like a “big Block” car instead. People here on this site were” REALLY” helpful when I was looking at cars; including Mike J, Arlie, and others; it was the way it should have been all looking out for each other and with no agenda. . The ONE person who was not helpful was the person who called himself the register and has written books about these cars; I could not get a call back I just thought it was that he was (is) real busy. I found it interesting when I was looking at 66 Shelbys – BOTH Howard Pardee and Rick Kopec were very helpful and answered ALL my responses – not once did they shun my requests. BTW - over the years bought 3 66 Shelby’s and each time SAAC was there. BTW – again so were cs.com members but not the register.

3 – When I realized that I did not like “big-block” cars – I stated that on the SAAC site many months later the following:
"One of the reasons I sold my 390 GT/CS was because of all the bickering among many of the GT/CS owners. I choose not to have a vested interest any longer.

4- I may have misspoke – I have always like the 66 Shelby’s and felt that my 390 CS was in the best shape itI was ever going to be. AND I wanted another 66 Shelby. I had the opportunity to sell my 59 Sprite and 390 CS, that along with the Shelby market being in the tank. I lost a few dollars on my 390 CS; but if my previous 66 Shelby were to come back on the market it would be worth $70K less than what I sold it for. I also felt that because of the bickering and infighting, the values were being harmed and no one was backing down. I felt and still do that paul, jbart and maybe others were not helping the CS brand. Recently I was encouraged when Mike J and others were taking a larger part in the cs.com functions and the attitude was getting better. Than this CRAP stars over again. As I stated before – at the SAAC site there are disagreements but not as nasty as there was over at cs.com. Both sites have individuals with MAJOR egos but the SAAC members seem to “agree to disagree” and then go on and build the 66-70 Shelby brand. A few at cs.com could learn to, not air their dirty laundry; no one wins.

5- My purpose of writing this is that I have had some cs.com FRIENDS question my intentions – I choose to mostly ignore the negative and go on but when I am used as an example of why someone left cs.com it ticks me off. Leave me out of your agenda.

6. As far as the California Special car is concerned – I love them and keep looking for just the right one for my next older car – it just won’t a big block.

Cheers -Doug