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Anyone have a bra on?



Besides, Paul said something about her looking like she was from the 1940's or something! He should be apologizing!!! :grin:

Now I'm sorry I asked my question in the first place :undecided

oh, boy....Donna's gonna read all of this and think: "what da???"

No need to take a trip down "guilt avenue" here, guys. Geez...I knew when I said "from the 1940's, someone would think: "oh, like they look today"?
NO, goofball! Back then! LMAO!!

You guys crack me up. Rich--posting your bra question is just fine....it's just interesting where folks go with that sort of think. Some think it's funny, some not. I just kinda hoped it would have gone the way of an old episode of Benny Hill!

You guys are cool....(not that it has to always agree with me...heck no!)

Paul N.


Well-known member
Apr 26, 2005
Hudson Valley Area, NY
No need to take a trip down "guilt avenue" here, guys. Geez...I knew when I said "from the 1940's, someone would think: "oh, like they look today"?
NO, goofball! Back then! LMAO!!

Paul N.

LOL! I knew what you meant Paul. I was just busting 'em and trying to get us back on topic ... or off topic or well ... you know what I mean! :cool:


that is...if we knew what the topic was...um..."at hand".


Paul N.


Well-known member
Feb 22, 2004
Columbus, Ohio
HOOK me up Don!!:icon_ecst

We all knew where I was going with it seeing as how that's what my company deals with. :grin: Besides, it's all in fun.

I had the pleasure of meeting Donna last summer on her trip from New York. Plus, she was one of the first folks to see and hear my new 428 CJ come to life other than my girlfriend before it hit the car show season last year. Hopefully we all will get to meet again in August.

Don :cool:

Diesel Donna

Well-known member
Dec 22, 2004
I've deleted the message because my intent was not to harm Donna. I apologize if that is how it was taken. Paul, a year ago or so you got on me for my humor and I said at that time I'd limit myself to just answering questions. I strayed from that and apparently offended you again. I apologize to you also.


Oh Steve no harm ever done to me on this website, I love to joke around with everyone and you didn't need to delete that post. Put it back! If I am ever insulted I will tell you myself. I just hadn't had time to come back with a snappy remark for you yet! Heck I was busy going to car shows lately.
A forties movie star? Cool beans! I happen to love the retro look and style of the forties and I wear a lot of dresses and 'stuff' from that era. No offense taken. I took it as a compliment. You guys worry too much!
Thanks very much for all your compliments and all the fun I have here. I was not insulted by anyone and like Rich said, I hope to be a good sport and team player. Rich had a valid question to begin with...I have used a bra before and it saved the front end of my CS from a lot of damage when I got forced off a road and into a chain link fence. It tore the bra up but I got my needle and thread out and sewed it back together. I'm probably the one who took his honest, innocent question and put a spin on it but I can't help myself. You should all be used to me by now ......Aren't you?
Lighten up people. :grin:


Well-known member
Apr 26, 2005
Hudson Valley Area, NY
I happen to love the retro look and style of the forties and I wear a lot of dresses and 'stuff' from that era. :grin:

OK, who's going to be the brave one and ask what the 'stuff' might be? :icon_no:

Thanks for the reply Donna.

I take full blame for dangling the carrot out there - I knew there was a good chance it would go off topic ... but I did get some answers to my question as well.

Got to have some fun sometimes and not take life too seriously ... it's way to short!! Believe me I know all too well.

Diesel Donna

Well-known member
Dec 22, 2004
OK, who's going to be the brave one and ask what the 'stuff' might be? :icon_no:

HAHAHAHAAAAAA!! My instant thought was...I double~dog dare ya.
Then I thought...I could tell you but then I'd have to kill you!
I do have some cool shoes though......:wink:


Well-known member
Mar 12, 2005
Lake Forest, CA
HAHAHAHAAAAAA!! My instant thought was...I double~dog dare ya.
Then I thought...I could tell you but then I'd have to kill you!
I do have some cool shoes though......:wink:

OK, I'm game. Donna, what is the "stuff" from that era.

Come on, baby! I'm waiting for you.


You see? Donna has all the power. She always did. 'told ya.

It's all about the shoes.



Well-known member
Jul 17, 2006
OK, I'm game. Donna, what is the "stuff" from that era.

Come on, baby! I'm waiting for you.

I want to know too.:cheesy:

Donna, is tall, nearly as tall as my 5'12" frame.

I hope she says 1930's flapper style of dress. :icon_ecst


At the end of the silliness tunnel, is an actual photo of (my) GT/CS with a bra on (since someone asked). Taken in 1985, before I made the Lucas pedistals. Note the original maroon paint. Sorry--but it's in black and white. It was a catalog photo for Sacramento Mustang back then.

The angled anti-flap thingys on the top actually do work. The car did run a bit hotter with the screen in the way--after 500 miles straight.

(and, oh, those Donna shoes you're asking about?
They're red.
Candy Apple Red.
Hurt me, hurt me, red).

-- Paul "ouch!" N.


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Diesel Donna

Well-known member
Dec 22, 2004
My bra didn't flap, was a nice snug fit and it didn't leave any marks on the paint.It was a little different than the one Paul posted. I have a bra on my daily driver that I hardly ever take off, even when I wash the car. Barely a mark on it, but it is white paint and hard to see. The screen was great for the CS because I could have easily lost my fog lights when I went through the chain link fence, I hit the fencepost too.

(P.S. I have red, leopard, black, you name it, okay so I'm a shoe 'ho. If the shoe fits, buy it in every color!)


Well-known member
Oct 10, 2004
Before my car was painted I had a bra on her. No flapping. Worked well. It was the same type as in Paul's picture. I thought about putting it back on, but since the bra burned I haven't got another.