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Anyone use this for CS striping installation? Hood washer question too.


Active member
Dec 21, 2006
(1)I'm about ready to put the stripes on my fresh paint job on the 68 CS.I got the stripes from Steve,the stripe man in CA.I've heard talk among car guys about using a solution that sign and detail shops use.They say it's better than soap since it is more slippery.One group said to go to Auto Zone and get the stuff that is used to install tinted window film.I stopped today and saw a bottle of "window film application solution" for sale there.Has anyone used this stuff? Is just plain soapy water just as good? Is the soap used Dawn,Joy,Westley's car wash soap or is there something better?
(2)I'm also ready to glue the washers under the twist lock hood pins to the body.Seems like black silicone RTV would do the trick such as the stuff used in gasket making? A good quality glue such as Locktite or Permatex.Can't find any wide double sided tape.All I found was 3/4 wide stuff.
Thanks for the help!


Well-known member
Aug 13, 2005
I used a Dawn dish soap and water solution when I installed my stripes. It worked great. A cap full in a spray bottle of water is all it took. It stays slick long enough for you to float out all bubbles and get proper alignment.

As for the hood lock washers, 3M makes a emblem adhesive, much like a weather strip adhesive. Have not used it yet, but I was told it works great. Comes in a squeeze tube. Found mine at the local auto paint store. Mike


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2005
So Cal
I used a Dawn dish soap and water solution when I installed my stripes. It worked great. A cap full in a spray bottle of water is all it took. It stays slick long enough for you to float out all bubbles and get proper alignment.

As for the hood lock washers, 3M makes a emblem adhesive, much like a weather strip adhesive. Have not used it yet, but I was told it works great. Comes in a squeeze tube. Found mine at the local auto paint store. Mike

You guys ought to put this good info on the restoration reference section ... I'll bet it'll help some other folks with the same question(s) ...