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1968 Automatic Shifter Upgrade

robert campbell

Well-known member
Apr 10, 2007
I got bored and decided to upgrade my stock Ford automatic shifter. The below will work for a C4, C6, or for an AOD conversion. I have a Shelby console and want a stock shifter rather than butchering it for a B&M shifter. I know I am not alone in wanting the stock look.

I am preparing for the track, but the stock auto shifter makes me nervous when you shift it manually. I have the Lentech valve body conversion that allows the AOD to shift just like a C4 or C6. You can shift manually to go from 1st to 2nd to 3rd.

So Ford in there infinite wisdom set up their auto shifter to allow you to pull it back to first with the lock out button in. Then you can just push it forward to 2nd and then to 3rd without the use of the button.

BUT, unfortunately you can jump right into neutral without the lockout button pushed in. Not what I want to do at 6,000 rpm mid track! Get our your catchers mitt to catch the rods and pistons exiting the block with 12 pounds of Weiand boost applied from above!

So I set about fixing the shifter to have a new slot between 3rd and neutral. Now my auto shifter requires you to push in the button to reach neutral. Does not affect any normal driving and works awesome. I can now manual shift from 2nd to 3rd with no fear of hitting neutral. A great safety feature for any Mustang of Ford with a Mustang style shifter.

Below are some pictures of a stock shifter, my modified shifter, and a crude drawing. One thing that I have noticed is the AOD shifter movement is shorter than the C4/C6 movement. I took about a 1/8 inch out of the park slot aft side to allow for this discrepancy. I found that my shifter now aligns much better to the AOD shift movements as it goes through the pattern. before the shifter would its slots or detents prior to the AOD shifting internally. Much better now!

I got line lock and a much safer shifter. To the batmoblie (I mean the track) Rob!!!

Stock shifter from the passenger side

Modified shifter in my car from passenger side

This drawing is from the driver side and the park detent modifications is for an AOD only. Basically you fill 1/2 of the neutral/3rd detent even with the reverse detent and add an 1/8 inch "nob" to the rear portion of the reverse detent. some filing with a square file and bingo! you be done.