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Best Cal Spec Memory


Aug 19, 2007
There's nothing quite like a midnight repair job by streetlight. I was driving my GTCS to San Diego in 1979 or 1980 when the water pump went out somewhere around Camp Pendleton. Pulled off on a remote offramp to the smell of antifreeze..and roller bearings all over the engine bay! As fate would have it, the lone gas station had a rebuilt water pump. So my friends held the flashlight while I pulled and replaced the water pump...it took about two hours, as I recall.
Today, I would just call a tow truck, but back then I had no bucks!!

GT/CS S Code

Well-known member
Dec 26, 2007
Victoria, B.C., Canada
Our fond memories ...

Well, last Friday night, July 24th was our 10th wedding anniversary. I got the "S" code out of the garage and we took it for a bit of a drive and some dinner out. This was our wedding car, borrowed from my best friend Terry Rann, who was kind enough to sell it to me in November of 2007. Our friend Terry passed away one year ago last Friday, on our anniversary day, so I couldn't help but think of him too as we drove around town, out to dinner, and then back to the house. There are fond memories and some sad memories all rolled up in this one "special" car.
This is a shot of Laurie and I with our GT/CS parked under the tree where we were married in 1999. It was an outdoor wedding and our car is parked in the exact spot where we said our vows.
How time flies ...


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Stacey Enderle

Well-known member
Jun 14, 2006
...now all I need is the car.

Another fond memory I have with my CS. Back in 75 as seniors about to graduate in 1976. Back then we purchased our class rings and other class memorbilia a year earlier. It took longer for "Jostens" to process those orders. Instead of ordering the traditional ring or necklace of that sort, I purchased a keyring that had the "Spirit of 76" on it, since we were the graduates of 1976. Everyone was opening up their stuff. They asked what I get. I held up a key ring and dangled it. They looked at me rather funny, since I didn't own a car yet, so I jokingly said," I have the key ring, now all I need is the car." They shook their heads and laughed. A week later I pulled up at the high school in my "future" CS.