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2007+ Birthday Present


Well-known member
Oct 8, 2004
Crystal Lake, IL
I can't remember if I posted this here. Sorry if it is a repost. But wanted my CS family to know I now am a proud Shelby GT-H owner....


My birthday present this year is a 2007 Mustang Shelby Hertz convertible. It is black with gold strips. No official tags yet (though I have some tags from one of my other cars on it in place of the piece of paper the dealer put on that would not last one day in the snow/salt). I hope to plan to get tags “Coyote”. (like Wiley Coyote from Roadrunner cartoon)

My daughter, Emily and I flew down to Dallas to pick it up and drove it all the way back. It was originally rented in Hawaii and then auctioned to this dealer. Shelby Automotive treats me as first owner, and Hertz as interim. They are awesome and are sending me a certificate of authenticity and a signed dash plaque from Shelby himself (to replace the sticker one). Also, Hertz has been great and is sending me all the documentation on the vehicle. I bought one that is not a museum piece, since this will be my daily driver – snow, salt, rain, sun. It has 26,000 miles but looks brand new – normal wear for a 2007.

The red 2000 mustang goes to my son, Sam. He is buying it from me for half wholesale price. He is very, very excited. He has been looking for a mustang, and always wanted mine. Now he has his dream too.



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Well-known member
Mar 17, 2005
So Cal
That's a sweet B-day present!! A couple of years ago, as a B-day present I rented a Conv. Shelby Hertz like you have and it sure was a fun ride ... Casey, you're gonna have fun ... now, go burn rubber :wink: ...


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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2003

I was invited to Carroll Shelby's 85 birthday bash and flew to Vegas and rented an 07 Hertz and that was the most fun that I have ever had in a rental car. The second day of the event was at the race track and I was surprised at how many of the rental cars were out on the track running full out. I was going to show up at the rental counter in Vegas with my helmet, but I decided not to for fear of them not renting me the car. I just wanted my wife to take a picture of me standing at the counter with the helmet up on the counter. I should have done it when I returned the car, but didn't think about it.

Enjoy the ride to work every day!




Well-known member
Sep 19, 2006
Holstein, Iowa
I can't remember if I posted this here. Sorry if it is a repost. But wanted my CS family to know I now am a proud Shelby GT-H owner....


My birthday present this year is a 2007 Mustang Shelby Hertz convertible. It is black with gold strips. No official tags yet (though I have some tags from one of my other cars on it in place of the piece of paper the dealer put on that would not last one day in the snow/salt). I hope to plan to get tags “Coyote”. (like Wiley Coyote from Roadrunner cartoon)

My daughter, Emily and I flew down to Dallas to pick it up and drove it all the way back. It was originally rented in Hawaii and then auctioned to this dealer. Shelby Automotive treats me as first owner, and Hertz as interim. They are awesome and are sending me a certificate of authenticity and a signed dash plaque from Shelby himself (to replace the sticker one). Also, Hertz has been great and is sending me all the documentation on the vehicle. I bought one that is not a museum piece, since this will be my daily driver – snow, salt, rain, sun. It has 26,000 miles but looks brand new – normal wear for a 2007.

The red 2000 mustang goes to my son, Sam. He is buying it from me for half wholesale price. He is very, very excited. He has been looking for a mustang, and always wanted mine. Now he has his dream too.

This is a dream Stang for sure, one lucky guy I must add.