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1968 Black Out Blinker Hood


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005


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Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
Rob, here is a blurb from the May 2000 issue of Mustangs Illustrated.


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robert campbell

Well-known member
Apr 10, 2007
Do any of you have the registrar's (have a problem saying his name) first book? Pages 24, 29, and page 50. All sorts of references to anniversary gold. And references to GT/CS cars going to Oregon and Washington. The registrar now tells me that he was confused. This is where the actual name of the color gets me. I feel that there are two distinct colors. Sunlit Gold and Anniversary Gold. with something significant to the history of the car.

Unless his research at the time was wrong. To me there seems to be confusing as to what color a GNS is! My gut says Sunlit gold, but when I view my paint it seems far different. The Uncle of Janice Brulic, that owns my cars twin, related to her in great detail that he could not find this color easily, that it was darker and not sunlit gold.

This is killing me!



Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
Ron may be able to get you rattle cans of Sunlit Gold and Anniversary Gold. See if either matches your floor.


Well-known member
Jun 19, 2006
IMHO his research was incorrect at the time. Not unusual to learn new and clarify old over time. Seems to be the case especially after the 66 and 68 "matching" DSO confusion

robert campbell

Well-known member
Apr 10, 2007
I agree that over time we achieve clarity. You are huge source of information and seem to not have an agenda other than to share. Like most of us.

So what is your take on this? The Marti says Sunlit gold. Without side by side comparisons, I cannot begin to discern what color my car is. It was funny, talking to Janice Brulc on the phone who owned the car whose Marti report is just below mine on this site. I bought the Marti on her car. The one most prominent thing Janice remembered from talking to her Uncle, that she bought the car from, was "anniversary gold". She related that he went to a bunch of paint shops to get it right.

Again just a voice in the past. As I have said on this site and the SAAC site, I just want to understand. These two cars have a common history somehow. Couple of cars assembled in Seattle after the fact? One theory. I would love to find out.



Well-known member
May 22, 2009
Rob I would go to a paint store and have them mix a sample of the 3073 listed on the Marti. Unfortunatly Sunlit Gold is one of those colors that has a lot of variation. My dads car orginal color I thought was darker than the modern version. I am reasonably sure your car was Sunlit Gold because thats what's on the warrantee plate and thats the code a repair shop would have used. Marty

robert campbell

Well-known member
Apr 10, 2007
Rob I would go to a paint store and have them mix a sample of the 3073 listed on the Marti. Unfortunatly Sunlit Gold is one of those colors that has a lot of variation. My dads car orginal color I thought was darker than the modern version. I am reasonably sure your car was Sunlit Gold because thats what's on the warrantee plate and thats the code a repair shop would have used. Marty

I tend to agree with your thoughts on this. The only reason I ever doubted the color was due to the reference in the first GT/CS recognition guide. And the fact that current cars that are painted may or may not be faithful to what they looked like in 1968.

So the easy answer is there is no such thing as an "anniversary gold", Gold Nugget Special. Still leaves open the possibility of an annivesary gold Californai Special as stated in the first guide. Based on those facts, my car and its twin, would be an early conversion at a dealer.

Still want to get the info on a debut car on the stage 15 February 1968. Although recently claimed by the registrar that he has one and it is Marti verified, trust me he will not share. I do not think the debut cars were initially ordered as a GT/CS are Marti verified. The first guide goes to great lengths to describe "staged" cars and the differnce in build to sold dates.

But maybe this was in error also in the first guide.

If the debut cars are not Marti verified, this would open the door for a number of prototypes. Maybe centered around the first 14 sets of GT/CS "hand made" script that was late delivered.

But I have been wrong before..... In many things in life!!!

Am I the only one on this site with a copy of the first recognition guide?



Well-known member
Jul 19, 2004
Central Virginia
I do not have a copy of the first guide; but alot has been discovered since it was first published. "Marti Reports," are a good example. If you reference some of the Shelby books authored by Rick Kopec in the early 80's you will also find published inaccuracies. We have learned alot in the last twenty years!! I would not fault Paul N., Rick K. or any of the others authors of books we often use as reference; but to look at the source at the time of publication.

I believe your car was originally Sunlit Gold; but I have never seen the original hue as you have, so you will be the final judge (at least for now and for as long as you own the car). Marty Rupp is also correct that new paint mixes may have a different hue to them.

As I said in the earlier post I am convinced; for now, that Ford was pushing the Sunlit Gold through "local promotions" in early '68 for some reason. I would be happy knowing your car is documented as a "Gold Nugget Special" regardless of being a GT/CS or not. I would like to add not to give up the quest to document it as a GT/CS if you are convinced as you are. Understanding that you may never truely get your answer. Enjoy the car and keep looking for answers and past owners.



Well-known member
Mar 28, 2003
Am I the only one on this site with a copy of the first recognition guide?


I have both his books, haven't looked at them but once or twice since I got them back in the 80's and have no idea where they even are. I should dig them out and give them to someone that would utilize them. Probably why I really have no enthusiasm for the new book. I have a Mustang Monthly with me and my car in it back in the day and I've looked at it more than I have the other two books by far, holds more value to me as well, in fact I bought about 5 of them when they came out and I'm only in the Readers Rides section in the back.

Let's see who can find me first and tell me the year and month that I'm in Mustang Monthly, theres a challenge. ;-)



Well-known member
May 22, 2009
I tend to agree with your thoughts on this. The only reason I ever doubted the color was due to the reference in the first GT/CS recognition guide. And the fact that current cars that are painted may or may not be faithful to what they looked like in 1968.

So the easy answer is there is no such thing as an "anniversary gold", Gold Nugget Special. Still leaves open the possibility of an annivesary gold Californai Special as stated in the first guide. Based on those facts, my car and its twin, would be an early conversion at a dealer.

Still want to get the info on a debut car on the stage 15 February 1968. Although recently claimed by the registrar that he has one and it is Marti verified, trust me he will not share. I do not think the debut cars were initially ordered as a GT/CS are Marti verified. The first guide goes to great lengths to describe "staged" cars and the differnce in build to sold dates.

But maybe this was in error also in the first guide.

If the debut cars are not Marti verified, this would open the door for a number of prototypes. Maybe centered around the first 14 sets of GT/CS "hand made" script that was late delivered.

But I have been wrong before..... In many things in life!!!

[Am I the only one on this site with a copy of the first recognition guide?]
[Rob] Quote
Rob I have one but have not looked at it for a while. Our car is on page 4 and 31. Marty

robert campbell

Well-known member
Apr 10, 2007
Do any of you have the registrar's (have a problem saying his name) first book? Pages 24, 29, and page 50. All sorts of references to anniversary gold. And references to GT/CS cars going to Oregon and Washington. The registrar now tells me that he was confused. This is where the actual name of the color gets me. I feel that there are two distinct colors. Sunlit Gold and Anniversary Gold. with something significant to the history of the car.


Crap, I am quoting myself. Anyway, the above pages in the first guide have been a huge drive to my quest. At this point I think there was an error in research then. Marty, error is a strong word. Best info they had at the time may be better. Anyway, I am convinced that my car is a GNS. Sunlit gold. Was it converted before sale to a GT/CS? After sale? Ah, the quest I will continue. All of you have been so helpful and so nuetral! I thank you for that!

I love this family!!! I love the people on this site!



Well-known member
Jun 19, 2006
...............So what is your take on this? ...........

My suggestions is to ignore the other car's stories and details and focus on your car alone. As others have mentioned find some of your original paint color on the car and find out what color your car really was and go from there.

IMHO time to deal with concrete data.

Just me ;)

BTW - have plenty of agrendas IMHO nothing wrong with them when they are out in the open and their (generally speaking) positive in nature :icon_ecst

Midnight Special

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Grass Valley, California
Hmm ...Guess that answers that! I just found it interesting that two GNS cars of the same period, paint and dealer area were GT/CS equipped for no apparent reason, that's all.
Call it (c)archeology... We do this when say; an old steam locomotive is found in the woods & we want to know how it got there. But with nothing to offer, I guess it's best not to ask...


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2003
Unfortunatly Sunlit Gold is one of those colors that has a lot of variation. My dads car orginal color I thought was darker than the modern version.

I just had my '73 Mach painted the "original" color, Saddle Bronze Metallic (Think of it as a more modern Sunlit Gold) and the new paint is definately lighter. I asked the body shop about it and was told that happens a lot. Each manufacturer's product will vary in shade just slightly from the original, even on new paints so you would want to know which manufacturer Ford used at that time and use their brand. He also said modern formulations use different additives/materials than the old so everything is an approximation. Just my 2 cents worth.
