Thanks for the comments. I think I will post the comments in the first guide that spun me up on the color and the existence of these cars. Clarity has been achieved over the years and I feel the color disparity is just how you have outlined it as variances to the “hue” and the reference to anniversary gold may be unfounded or incorrect. Here is one snippet from the original guide. The link Tim posted has a bunch of the rest of the snippets from the guide that were the main reason I was led on the quest! Almost comical that these words were written by the person who now denounces the theory! The guide even has this theory in the production timeline. PLEASE read the link Tim posted. It was in 2007 but it contains a lot of background pertinent to this search. Here is the snippet.
“You could get a GT/CS in any standard Mustang color, including Anniversary Nugget Gold color (Code Y5) that some early GT/CS cars were painted , destined for Southern Oregon, still within DSO 72 with a few sent to Seattle DSO 74.”
The fun part of this is its content was in direct reference to the interview with Lee Gray. And very fresh at the time. IMO Lee was not confused over the GNS, and he had some knowledge at that time of something odd. And then two cars show that fit the theory….
Anyway, the quest continues. I do agree with Arlie and Jeff. Each car has its history and I hope to find it out. But the two cars share too much history together to dismiss the connection.
Again thanks for the help! This can be construed as boring or just sour grapes as said elsewhere. My car is a gold nugget special and that is that at this time. I said this in 2007 and have never hid the fact.
Does anyone have an original black our hood treatment in their list of options on their GT/CS? Very common on non-GT/CS Mustangs in 1968.