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1968 Build date question - how early?


Well-known member
Apr 18, 2008
What is the earliest known build date for a '68 GT/CS?

One of mine was built Jan 30 and I am curious to see how many were built before it.




Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
December 21st is the earliest one I see in the '89 registry.
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Well-known member
Apr 25, 2003
Remember that the registry doesn't require proof of it being a real CS to be included. I find it hard to believe a car built 2 months before the debut would be a true CS.



Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
Remember that the registry doesn't require proof of it being a real CS to be included. I find it hard to believe a car built 2 months before the debut would be a true CS.


There a few others with December dates. Doesn't make sense to me either.


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Well-known member
Apr 18, 2008
What one is the early one, the J code ? Marty

Yep, the J code is the only January car I have, the brittany blue one is Feb 15.

Despite the scheduled date of Jan 30th, the J code was actually built on Feb 8th according to Marti


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2006
My J code GT/CS, has a serialized date of 1/25/68, scheduled date of 2/5/68, and an actual build date of 2/6/68.

My VIN is 8R01J137614.

My car came with the recessed rear reflectors.


Well-known member
Jun 19, 2006
Remember that the registry doesn't require proof of it being a real CS to be included. I find it hard to believe a car built 2 months before the debut would be a true CS.

Sure that all of those earlier attempts have or can be corrected and revised since we now have the Ford records. Would guess that some of the cars in the earlier registries will drop off the pages during the next printing

robert campbell

Well-known member
Apr 10, 2007
Arlie, please do me a HUGE “solid” and scan pages 29, 30, and 12 of PM’s first book.

On the scan of the first page of the registry that Arlie posted, the car belonging to Bruce Malmberg is my car. The next one down is Tom Shields car, which was later Janice Brulc’s car in our on-line registry. Both Marti’s are in the Marti thread on-line. Mine built on 2 January and the Tom Shield’s car built on 4 January. The first PM book on page 29 in paragraph 5 it speaks to cars on standby. And speaks to the delay in production surges that have ordered dates far from build dates. On page 30 there is a timeline of production and speaks to the 7 prototypes being built and even speaks on the top of the right side of the chart about “Nugget” gold specials to jump start sales in the Northwest.

Certainly history has become clearer with the Ford records owned by Marti. And the easiest thing is to say is “no Marti, no proof”, no GT/CS. And that may be the final litmus test. In one of Paul’s tirades at me he says he has a debut car in his registry. He only mentioned it that one time to chastise me in public on the SAAC site, so I doubt its truth.

The timeline and the complete section on page 12 of the first book deal with the lateness of the prototypes due to the late add of the California Special script on the quarters.

Does anyone who reads these pages doubt that there were 1968 Mustang Coupes, already down the line fully assembled, BUT NOT ordered as a GT/CS? Retrofitted with the option for the debut? I do. How long would it have taken to order, buck, build, assemble, deliver from San Jose to LA, and add the script? One month from January 16th? Maybe, but most points to cars already down the line with lots of options being retrofitted.

Does anyone really believe that the cars on the stage that night would have a Marti pedigree? IMO the debut cars would not be Marti pedigreed. On page 12 it even speaks to the final assembly being performed at ACSCO. To claim that the debut cars are assembled fakes due to a lack of Marti pedigree diminishes the fathers of the GT/CS cars! Couple this with the strike in the fall of 1967, and you have a whole bunch of cars stalled on the line or pulled off and staged. And a bunch of them languishing outside of Ford factories.

Other than a few in the “know” in Southern California, on 15 February 1968 these cars did not exist. IMO, there were no brochures in the dealer show room or a “block on the order form” to put a checkmark in it for a GT/CS option package until the day of the debut. And I bet there were all sorts of “plain jane” Mustangs coming down the line or staged for delivery with build dates earlier than 15 February.

Again, I would love to find some other cars on the early registry page that Arlie posted. I do not think for a minute that my car was at the debut on 15 February. But with an identical twin with the entire original fiberglass, it is a mystery in my mind.

By the way, my car will certainly be dropped from the new registry! So will its twin! No big deal to me!!! I have found a great family!

Let’s put an APB out for some of those early VIN’s! We may find a debut car.



Well-known member
Jul 17, 2006
Here is my Marti.

Clearly shows it being a California Special. My car has an actual build date of Feb 6, 1968. However it was released on Monday Feb 19, 1968.

The first date of production as Casey said, was Feb 16, 1968, a Friday.

My car had to have been one of the earliest 'fill the pipeline' cars.

Sold May 19, 1968.
May 19th is my birthday.:cheesy:

robert campbell

Well-known member
Apr 10, 2007
Just noticed that many Marti reports are blank in the order recieved spot. Mine is not , but Scott's is. Went to the Marti thread and many are blank. Almost like there is no date on record for when it was ordered.




Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
Sorry about page 30 being a little blurry.

Rob, I really think you are onto something with your car possibly being one of the debut cars.

If one looks at all the possible reasons why your car is the way it is the most logical solution is that it was a debut car. Let's look at the situation using "Occam's Razor", which more or less says that the most likely solution to a problem is the simplest solution. A dealer making your car makes no sense, it's way too complicated, and too expensive. A hobbyist making your car makes some sense but not much because every single GT/CS part is on the car. Therefore your car being built by Ford for the debut makes the most sense (at least to me), and satisfies Occam's razor.


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Well-known member
Apr 18, 2008
I don't have the deluxe Marti, but the VIN on this early one I have is 8R01J131680. It indicates a scheduled for build date of Jan 30th and an actual build date of Feb 8.

robert campbell

Well-known member
Apr 10, 2007
One clue from the debut that I DO believe is there was no gold colored car on the stage with a black vinyl top. Going through what pictures were in PM's first book the ones you can see support this. I asked him earlier on, in friendlier times, this question and he supported this. I do not think my car was a debut car, but some sort of early build or maybe just a dealer build. Or one heck of a clone job done long long ago in a galaxy far away. The late 60's or early 70's!

Anyone interested, take a look at page 30 of the scans Arlie posted. Look at the car in the bottom right corner with Lee Gray on the stage. Line up the California and the Mustang script in your eyes. They are almost level to each other. Go out and look at you car. The California script is no where near level to your Mustang script on the trunk spoiler.

My car had the script in this higher location. The holes in the quarter are still there. Tim made a replication for me via photo shop.


Scott's car has recessed refelcters. Curtis, does your car have them?


robert campbell

Well-known member
Apr 10, 2007
Your early J code has a factory tach. The debut cars were "rumored" to have factory tachs and a very loaded option list.

The car does not have the script obviously, but have you tried to locate the holes from inside the trunk? Do you have any owner history on this car. Can you tell what color the vinyl top was? There were two cars on the stage at the debut that were blue with a white vinyl top.

Does the tach show up on the deluxe report as an option, or only the elite report?


robert campbell

Well-known member
Apr 10, 2007
Can you scan in page 14. It was the stage car painted in gulf stream aqua with a white vinyl top. J code.

Not saying what you may have, but do the comparison.
