I really believe that the Senate Republicans killed the bailout bill, because they want the GM and Chrysler bankrupcies to squash the UAW.
Congress "gave" over 110 Billion to Citibank, and no one peeped a word about it. Yet when car companies need 17 Billion, it's scrutinized like the Nuremburg Trials.
Regardless of party--this is a case of class warfare against the middle class. The affluent good-ol-boys get what they want (AIG, etc..), and the working people have to slug through this near-depression.
I applaud Ford for sticking through this, and this is why I brought up this idea. Of course, I'd encourage folks to buy from Ford all the time but a focused one-week event might make more sense.
In the case of restorers "wishing" that certain parts were still in stock, it's a matter of "hundreds care, thousands won't".
I also agree on how (IMO) Ford Licensing has dropped the ball on checking on repro quality for Mustang parts. I believe that the repro CS script by Drake, is made in China..and it's very inaccurate.
Thanks for setting us straight, Talan. More people should spend a week in the shoes of people in Michigan these days...
Paul N.
Congress "gave" over 110 Billion to Citibank, and no one peeped a word about it. Yet when car companies need 17 Billion, it's scrutinized like the Nuremburg Trials.
Regardless of party--this is a case of class warfare against the middle class. The affluent good-ol-boys get what they want (AIG, etc..), and the working people have to slug through this near-depression.
I applaud Ford for sticking through this, and this is why I brought up this idea. Of course, I'd encourage folks to buy from Ford all the time but a focused one-week event might make more sense.
In the case of restorers "wishing" that certain parts were still in stock, it's a matter of "hundreds care, thousands won't".
I also agree on how (IMO) Ford Licensing has dropped the ball on checking on repro quality for Mustang parts. I believe that the repro CS script by Drake, is made in China..and it's very inaccurate.
Thanks for setting us straight, Talan. More people should spend a week in the shoes of people in Michigan these days...
Paul N.