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1968 Casey - Original CS Blueprints for sale


Well-known member
Oct 8, 2004
Crystal Lake, IL
Hello everyone. Many of you do not know me, but for a few years I became one of the experts of the California Special. I had one of the best CS and loved my family here. For those who do remember me, I still am alive!

I will go straight to the point: I still have all the original blueprints for the California Special. And by original, I dont mean copies - I mean original. Over 50 of them. I would like to sell them to someone who really loves the CS and the passion for its history. There is an eight page article in Mustang Times, April 2008 issue.

I would like to sell the originals. It took me countless weeks to buy each one, and a chunk of change. However, I am cleaning out the closet and someone else should enjoy/preserve these. Check out the Mustang Times article. These really are a historical archive find.

I would like $750.00 for all of them (plus shipping). It goes without saying that this is a good price (well, I guess I just said it).

I am unemployed at the moment and the cash could help the family. Give me a shout. The best is to send me an email. If you are an "old-timer" from the days - then let's chat about them. My email is: casey.hill@sbcglobal.net.

Thanks old friends (and to the new CS lovers out there.

God Bless, Casey