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Crazy Ideas for celibrating 40 years of our CS's

Stacey Enderle

Well-known member
Jun 14, 2006
Hello CS folks!!!

Ever thought of some neat-crazy ideas in celibrating our CS's 40th anniversary? If I was able to afford it, I wouldn't mind taking a month off and take a 2440 mile trip on the Historic Route 66 from Chicago to LA. What even be neater if a bunch of us would go on a CS caravan on Route 66. What do you think? Crazy,..Dumb,...Go For it, Have a GREAT TIME. I wish I could do it.



Hey Stacey,

I saw this thread, and thought: "here she posts, and TAA-DAA...then...."hey, where is everyone?"

This is a valid idea. I'm wondering just how far most owners would go to have a drive like this. Years ago--I did partake in the American Pony Drive; the leg from Vegas toi L.A. which was a hoot! Shelbys and HP Mustangs goin' at it in the desert. Pretty awesome! Side by side with a '69 GT-500, pullin 4-5 grand at 75-80. Awesome sound!

Once I get a grip on the book, I'll see exactly what folks may wish to do. In fact, I'll mention it in my flier to all owners.

Thanks for thinking of this--

Paul N.


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2005
So Cal
I think that there should be a concentrated effort in securing recognition in the annual Fabulous Fords Forever Show at Knott's Berry Farm in '08 ... that show is always commemorating different models each year, and the CS's 40th is coming up, so this is our year!!! ...

Stacey Enderle

Well-known member
Jun 14, 2006
Historic Route 66

Hey Stacey,

I saw this thread, and thought: "here she posts, and TAA-DAA...then...."hey, where is everyone?"

This is a valid idea. I'm wondering just how far most owners would go to have a drive like this. Years ago--I did partake in the American Pony Drive; the leg from Vegas toi L.A. which was a hoot! Shelbys and HP Mustangs goin' at it in the desert. Pretty awesome! Side by side with a '69 GT-500, pullin 4-5 grand at 75-80. Awesome sound!

Once I get a grip on the book, I'll see exactly what folks may wish to do. In fact, I'll mention it in my flier to all owners.

Thanks for thinking of this--

Paul N.

Hi Paul!

It'd be neat to see something like that. Especially if we can alot of our CS folks treking down that old highway. Even if it's only part ways that would have special meaning. For me even if I could drive from Chicago to Oklahoma City as just part of it and some folks from there drive a distance and so on. It doesn't have to be the full 2440 some miles to drive on. Don't forget to send me a flyer, I want that book! :grin:



Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
Could do a pony express type relay from one coast to the other. That way a lot of people would get to meet but the ones from the East would not need to drive for a solid week.

Have 6 or so meeting places throughout the country, all heading towards the West.


Pony Egress...

Could do a pony express type relay from one coast to the other.....Have 6 or so meeting places throughout the country, all heading towards the West.

So, lemme get this straight....that would mean that you would drive from Sacramento to St. Louis, and then you'd step out of your Mustang, and some stranger takes over, gets in, drives off, and poof! Off to points East!

Er, yeah, that sounds like a plan.

Stacey is right, it's a "crazy idea" to kick around.

LOL! :p


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
It's more like the people from New York, Charlotte, and Atlanta meet in Chicago. The people from Chicago, and any other the others, drive to Kansas City, etc, etc.

Sorry I didn't explain the idea well enough but I do appreciate the snotty reply, Paul.


flip side of creativity

Yep! "Story of my life"....people appreciating my snotty replies.


Like Mad Magazines' "Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions" (not that you asked a stupid question)...

er...I'll "stop while I'm behind" now...



Well-known member
Dec 26, 2006
How about this, Paul could send one of his books, like #1 or #40, to the East coast to a group of CS-HCS members, they could all sign it and then all drive to the next point let say 200 miles or so, they would then pass it to another group of members that would all sign it and drive it to the next stopping point etc. when it finally reaches the West coast it could be presented to Paul on behalf of all the CS and HCS owners from coast to coast. That would be the least that we could do for all the time and effort Paul has put into the last 3 books. It would give us all a opportunity to bond and to participate in this once in a lifetime 40th event.
There wouldn't be a better way to say THANKS!

What do you think!



Well-known member
Oct 8, 2004
Crystal Lake, IL
Coming from the Chicago and LA side to meet in the middle could be cool. I just dont know if the middle is in the desert or some nice town. Casey


Well-known member
Sep 19, 2006
Holstein, Iowa
How about this, Paul could send one of his books, like #1 or #40, to the East coast to a group of CS-HCS members, they could all sign it and then all drive to the next point let say 200 miles or so, they would then pass it to another group of members that would all sign it and drive it to the next stopping point etc. when it finally reaches the West coast it could be presented to Paul on behalf of all the CS and HCS owners from coast to coast. That would be the least that we could do for all the time and effort Paul has put into the last 3 books. It would give us all a opportunity to bond and to participate in this once in a lifetime 40th event.
There wouldn't be a better way to say THANKS!

What do you think!


I think this a great idea

John McGilvary

Well-known member
Mar 16, 2006
Good idea Stacey!

Reminds me of a song, " California Dreamin ".
Can't believe it will be 40 years next year that I bought my first car.


How about this, Paul could send one of his books, like #1 or #40, to the East coast to a group of CS-HCS members, they could all sign it and then all drive to the next point let say 200 miles or so, they would then pass it to another group of members that would all sign it and drive it to the next stopping point etc. when it finally reaches the West coast it could be presented to Paul on behalf of all the CS and HCS owners from coast to coast. That would be the least that we could do for all the time and effort Paul has put into the last 3 books. It would give us all a opportunity to bond and to participate in this once in a lifetime 40th event.
There wouldn't be a better way to say THANKS!

What do you think!


oh my gosh.
How completely thoughtful. I am touched. Thank you so much for thinking of this. How lucky I am to know all of you--and to be so well rewarded.

That would be something I would treasure forever.

In great appreciation,


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
Coming from the Chicago and LA side to meet in the middle could be cool. I just dont know if the middle is in the desert or some nice town. Casey

Denver, the home of the High Country Special, seems to be exactly half way between Chicago and Los Angeles, 1000 miles to either.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2003
Am I the only one who thinks that the 40th reunion should be held where it all began at the Ford plant in Milpitas which is now the Great Mall. Inside the mall is a rotating car display where a GT/CS could be displayed. There is plenty of parking for the car show as well as plenty of restaurants and hotels. Call me crazy, but it just makes sense to go back to where it all started. What does everyone think?



Well-known member
Sep 10, 2004
New Orleans, LA
Speaking of "going home", here is this place...


Where they all were made. The Ford Assembly Plant in Milpitas, known as the San Jose Plant. It's now a big outlet mall.

Paul N.

I've been there many times. I worked for a company called Adac that was on Alder Dr. in Milpitas just off of Calaveras. We were bought by Philips Medical a few years ago and I haven't been out there in a few years. They used to have a little model Mustang display by one of the entrances that was supposed to resemble an assembly line.

Stacey Enderle

Well-known member
Jun 14, 2006
Wonderful Idea!!!

How about this, Paul could send one of his books, like #1 or #40, to the East coast to a group of CS-HCS members, they could all sign it and then all drive to the next point let say 200 miles or so, they would then pass it to another group of members that would all sign it and drive it to the next stopping point etc. when it finally reaches the West coast it could be presented to Paul on behalf of all the CS and HCS owners from coast to coast. That would be the least that we could do for all the time and effort Paul has put into the last 3 books. It would give us all a opportunity to bond and to participate in this once in a lifetime 40th event.
There wouldn't be a better way to say THANKS!

What do you think!



I think that's wonderful idea as our way to thank Paul for the countless hours of work he's put into this book. It's our way that we really show our appreciation and believe me, I for one truely appreciate the wonderful work he's done for this project.

Paul you're AWESOME!!!:grin:



Thank You Stacey.
I appreciate your support.

Paul N.