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Crazy Ideas for celibrating 40 years of our CS's


Stacey Enderle

Well-known member
Jun 14, 2006
California Dreamin,..

Good idea Stacey!

Reminds me of a song, " California Dreamin ".
Can't believe it will be 40 years next year that I bought my first car.


Now that's NEAT John, that you're a first owner of your CS and still have it. I'm only a third owner to mine. My folks were 2nd owners. The first owner lived in Billings, MT. (That's where we got ours, my dad traded his "last" catillac for it) and he only put a few miles on it and traded it in shortly after he got it. Still, I'm very happy to have mine and it's still original.:smile:



Well-known member
Dec 26, 2006
I think there will be alot of good ideas to celebrate the 40th Ann. of these rare and unique cars. We have to remember that not everyone can afford or take the time off to go a great distance. If we all lived in California going to the original plant would be nice, but I don't think you will get the majority of owners to go that far. Meeting in Denver CO. is centrally located, and would be great for me I'm only 50 miles away, but that is still quite a distance from let say, San Jose. So if a person could figure out designated places (going off the registry to where the bulk of these cars are residing) about 200-250 miles apart, then plan on meeting at that spot to pick up the book and sign it. Then the following weekend those people meet at another spot and drop it off etc. so each weekend there would be a gathering of CS and HCS cars and people. This might sound stupid but It was just a thought, either way I think we need to get together somewhere and somehow to all sign a book for Paul. I would like to meet all of you in person not just through the key board. And if we meet for one large event I would vote for Denver.



Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
It would be like passing the Olympic torch.

I think there will be alot of good ideas to celebrate the 40th Ann. of these rare and unique cars. We have to remember that not everyone can afford or take the time off to go a great distance. If we all lived in California going to the original plant would be nice, but I don't think you will get the majority of owners to go that far. Meeting in Denver CO. is centrally located, and would be great for me I'm only 50 miles away, but that is still quite a distance from let say, San Jose. So if a person could figure out designated places (going off the registry to where the bulk of these cars are residing) about 200-250 miles apart, then plan on meeting at that spot to pick up the book and sign it. Then the following weekend those people meet at another spot and drop it off etc. so each weekend there would be a gathering of CS and HCS cars and people. This might sound stupid but It was just a thought, either way I think we need to get together somewhere and somehow to all sign a book for Paul. I would like to meet all of you in person not just through the key board. And if we meet for one large event I would vote for Denver.



..then there is always Alcatraz.....

nah. too far to swim, and the cells are too small for our cars.

(and they don't let you wear your Shelby sweatshirt, not even if it's your birthday!)


Paul N.


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Well-known member
Feb 16, 2003
Arvada, CO
Denver, the home of the High Country Special, seems to be exactly half way between Chicago and Los Angeles, 1000 miles to either.
BRING IT ON!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm in Arvada, 10 minutes to downtown Denver, 6 minutes on I-70 to the mountains, 8 hours on I-25 to Albuquerque, 16 hours to Phoenix, 9 hours on I-70 to Salt Lake City, 15 hours to Sand Point, Idaho, 7 hours to Rapid City, 18 hours to Chicago?, 9 hours to Lincoln/Scottsbluff 10-12 hours to KC/ St Louis. Figure it out, people. LET'S DO IT!!! HOW, WILL, WHEN, CAN WE?????????? Hey, come here next summer on Fathers Day weekend for our annual ROCKY MOUNTAIN MUSTANG ROUNDUP (300 some cars) on the streets of Steamboat Springs, Colorado, 3 hours from Denver in the most beautiful area in the state. PLANNED events pony trails on Thursday, golf tournaments and autocross on Friday (I ran my '47 Ford this year with 4 runs and my friend ran my 428 HC), and ON YOUR OWN, tennis, biking, hiking, swimming, rafting, antique shopping, fishing (Bring lead weights, wood fish, worms, bugs and gaff hooks, please), Sat. street show for Mustangs and other Ford powered cars, and best of all, we have a separate class for CS and HCS every year, display only or street judging, your call, award breakfast Sunday AM. What else can I say? HC Bob here.

Stacey Enderle

Well-known member
Jun 14, 2006
Central Meeting place

Well CS folks,

To put my 2 cents worth here, I'd say Denver would be nicely centrally located for the majority of the mustangers. For those who are too far east or west, we could have our relay points, just like passing on the torch. That's cool!



Well-known member
Oct 8, 2004
Crystal Lake, IL
Bob, I would definitely do the Denver trip. Cars coming from all directions to descend on a major show, and maybe hook up with the show leaders to "nationalize" their PR for the 40th anniversary would be super. Casey


Well-known member
Feb 16, 2003
Arvada, CO
Bob, I would definitely do the Denver trip. Cars coming from all directions to descend on a major show, and maybe hook up with the show leaders to "nationalize" their PR for the 40th anniversary would be super. Casey

Casey, I like what you say. Instead of the 4-6 cars normally in our class, with the thought of the 40th anniversary celebration for the '68 cars, we'd hit Steamboat Springs like a ton of bricks. I'd bet we could outdo the Knotts Show in this class in numbers by a bunch (and we would not be in an all '67- '68 coupe class either). What a sight to behold. I'm will talk to "the powers to be for the '08 Steamboat Show ( the '07 leaders are meeting this Sat.to review this years show) and give them the "nationalize their PR" for the 40th anniversary" bit for the '08 show. Do we have enough support to pull this off????? Let's hear from our "membership" out there on this. Could we get a "baker's dozen" at least???? How would that look when we are staging on a Sat AM, to see 15-20-30 or 40 Cal Sp/HC's (I'd take all 3 of mind to this one) lined up to be parked downtown. HOLY SMOKE. I'll listen up at the Aug. bar-b-q also, and see if I can get any commitments from any of our "family" there ie. an easy 2 day drive from the west and perhaps a little more from the east. Casey, thanks for pushing my button. Now I need a push to become a shove, huh? Bob Teets here.


I don't want to take anything from the Denver idea, but a majority of the GT/CS cars are still in California. Denver could be the #2, or #3 site, as a localized point for easier access to celebrate this anniversary from central and east coast owners.

I think that most people are reluctant to take a 40 yr. old car "too far" from home. Although, I once drove from Vegas, up US395 along the backside of the Sierras to Carson City (via Tonopah), with 295K on the odometer (and a water pump, belts and hoses in the trunk). A side trip to Ghost Town "Bodie", too.

I think a No. Calif and Southern Calif. GT/CS Event should be planned--perhaps as part of another show, like Knotts.

I also would like to consider some type of drive along highway 1, like to Monterey, or Santa Barbara. Perhaps a car show, and buffet, BBQ, etc.

Once I get a grip on the book, I can concentrate on this better.

Paul N.

robert campbell

Well-known member
Apr 10, 2007
I agree with Paul. No dissing of the HCS, but this, or the 50th should be in California. It would be so cool to be near the Century Plaza Hotel. Block off a street!



Somewhere on this site is a thread where I list the numbers of owners by State.

California is the dominate owner state--and there are twice as many owners in So. Cal than No. Cal.

It's something like 1/2 in all of Calif, the other half throughout the U.S. and other countries.

We'll think of something, somewhere to make it a real (worthwhile) destination.

Let us not forget that the Annual BBQ in Grass Valley is a real draw, too.

Paul N.


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2004
I like the idea of meeting in Colorado. Who`s to say we can`t just do it anyway? Colorado would work better for me anyday and I`d love to see your 428 CJ HCS Bob. The Californians can meet in California and the rest of us can meet in Colorado. Or if the owners in the East would like a meeting place of their own they should designate a central location that would best suit them. Too bad it could`nt be televised so we could see what each party is doing.


I agree with Paul. No dissing of the HCS, but this, or the 50th should be in California. It would be so cool to be near the Century Plaza Hotel. Block off a street!


Welllllll........as a matter of fact...

When I was speaking with my contact at the Hyatt in Century City (for the photo shoot), out of curiousity, I asked about the room rental rate for the Los Angeles Ballroom (the exact same room as the "opening night" on Feb 15th, 1968).

"cause I was thinking of bringing our cars in on the floor, just like the original event; for the 40th Anniv..

Welllll....(as I remember his quote) That would have been something like $6,000-$10,000 for the evening.

"oh. O.K.; Thank you".

-- Paul N.


Well-known member
Oct 8, 2004
Crystal Lake, IL
I did a quick mapquest.

From Chicago to Denver is about 1000 miles.

From LA to Denver is about 1000 miles.

Houston to Denver is about 1000 miles.

Denver is a good center. Except any other east coast cars would have to come farther than 1000 miles.

Obviously it is 2000 miles and more for midwest/east coast cars to LA - a very long way for 40 year old car.

Maybe there is a west coast 40 anniversary and a denver 40 anniversary for both HCS and CS. This way more can participate with their car.

Just a thought. casey


Well-known member
Feb 16, 2003
Arvada, CO
What are the dates for the Steamboat show?
The Rocky Mountain Mustang Roundup at Steamboat Springs, Colorado is always on FATHERS DAY WEEKEND in mid June (car show is on that Saturday, preregistered only) and awards on Sunday am. See my previous post for activities offered for the prior Thursday and Friday of that weekend. HC Bob here.


Well-known member
Feb 16, 2003
Arvada, CO
I like the idea of meeting in Colorado. Who`s to say we can`t just do it anyway? Colorado would work better for me anyday and I`d love to see your 428 CJ HCS Bob. The Californians can meet in California and the rest of us can meet in Colorado. Or if the owners in the East would like a meeting place of their own they should designate a central location that would best suit them. Too bad it could`nt be televised so we could see what each party is doing.

Neat ideas, Luv!!!!!!!!!! Bob here.


Well-known member
Feb 16, 2003
Arvada, CO
I don't want to take anything from the Denver idea, but a majority of the GT/CS cars are still in California. Denver could be the #2, or #3 site, as a localized point for easier access to celebrate this anniversary from central and east coast owners.

I think that most people are reluctant to take a 40 yr. old car "too far" from home. Although, I once drove from Vegas, up US395 along the backside of the Sierras to Carson City (via Tonopah), with 295K on the odometer (and a water pump, belts and hoses in the trunk). A side trip to Ghost Town "Bodie", too.

I think a No. Calif and Southern Calif. GT/CS Event should be planned--perhaps as part of another show, like Knotts.

I also would like to consider some type of drive along highway 1, like to Monterey, or Santa Barbara. Perhaps a car show, and buffet, BBQ, etc.

Once I get a grip on the book, I can concentrate on this better.

Paul N.

Neat ideas, Paul. Looks like there is much interest doing SOMETHING. Bob here.


Well-known member
Feb 16, 2003
Arvada, CO
I did a quick mapquest.

From Chicago to Denver is about 1000 miles.

From LA to Denver is about 1000 miles.

Houston to Denver is about 1000 miles.

Denver is a good center. Except any other east coast cars would have to come farther than 1000 miles.

Obviously it is 2000 miles and more for midwest/east coast cars to LA - a very long way for 40 year old car.

Maybe there is a west coast 40 anniversary and a denver 40 anniversary for both HCS and CS. This way more can participate with their car.

Just a thought. casey

I like your thoughts, too, Casey. Keep thinking!!!!!!!!!! HC Bob here.