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CS in Barrett Jackson sold for 49,000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2005
I was wondering about that when I first saw the car. In fact, I went to the gallery and checked other cars 'cause it just didn't look right to me. Thanks for the info... always learning something new on this site!!


Well-known member
Aug 28, 2002
My friends GT/CS is a early car, has the recessed reflectors. His also has the extra clearance around the gas cap, we never could figure out why his was different than mine. My car was built on Mar 19th and his was built in early Feb.

The mystery is now solved.


Well-known member
Apr 26, 2005
Hudson Valley Area, NY
PNewitt said:
Hey Rich!

You're finding all the best stuff! First dealer postcards, now this!

How great! I wanted to find this car for the book, and you made it too easy! Thanks! Is there any way of getting the VIN? (I better not ask for too much) LOL...

I'd also like to know where you got this info--you can e-mail me if you'd like with the URL.

Thanks again!

BTW--everyone--look at the taillight panel. See how it's "away" from the gas cap about 1/2" more than "normal"? That's how they made a lot of the early production cars. I've seen it like that on several very early cars. It might be the "factory learning curve" on early production.

Paul N.

Hey Paul!
I needed to clear my head at work today and was Googling some GT/CS stuff and came across the postcard and this.

Actually I even found a Shelby that was up for auction in 2003 that was sold at the same dealer as my GT/CS

The info on the auction car is straight from the Barrett site.

Link to the Arizona results:

Link to the GT/CS:

I found the VIN too. I went in differently and went to Auction Results and searched for 1968 Ford Mustang and the GT/CS from this year was listed near the top. That link has the VIN

Here is the VIN - 8R01J141574

Glad to assist!!
Last edited:


Sara and Jay...

Maybe you can help me figure out how and why that back panel "sticks out" like that around the gas cap on the early cars. Obviously, it was a consistent production "thing" during Feb-March '68.

We need to measure where the panel attaches to the top of the metal taillight panel, and see if it's offset back too far, OR if it's at the bottom of the panel (behind the bumper), and there is some sort of spacer, or something in the way?

I've even seen a few early cars with a rough cut in the fiberglass around the gas cap (as well as the gap).

Any ideas?? Thanks, Paul N.