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1968 CS vs Shelby Tail Panels


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2006
Brisbane Australia
As noted in the prior post, pulled the tail panel. Using it as a base for a mold to repair a "Shelby" OEM I bought a while ago for another project.

In looking at them at the shop doing the repairs today, I noticed a slight difference in the two. I don't have good photos and I'll try to explain.

The opening for the gas cap. Backside of the panel. On the CS the hole is trimmed clean. On the "Shelby", there is a slight raised lip around the entire opening, maybe 1/16" thick and high.

(heres a bad one that shows the CS, "in general". You can kinda see the lip around the keyhole and not around the gas cap opening.)


Anyone have an idea if the CS tail panels are different to Shelby in this way or ???

I have seen references to a ring around the cap in early CS's that was abandoned. Not sure if the panel was modifed to accomodate on all, and carried through, even though it was not used in most production units...


Well-known member
Aug 9, 2009
I have the original tail panel off my first GT/CS from my high school days and it looks exactly the same as yours. Mine was an early '68. shane


Well-known member
Feb 2, 2003
Just checked mine - April 03 scheduled build date - and it DOES NOT have any raised area around the opening for the gas cap area. The panel is on the car but it is very evident that the opening is just that - an opening - and the area surrounding it has no extra thickness. The "hooded area" that encircles the lock for the trunk is exactly as you show in your image. Our panels seem to be just alike with respect to the area in question. Also had the same strip caulking at the top as you have altnough many folks do not agree with this aspect.


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2006
Brisbane Australia
I don't think the lip I'm referring to could be seen with it on the car, it is on the underside against the tail panel. I won't have my two back for a couple weeks while the repair is being done, will post a more detailed comparison pic once I get them back.

robert campbell

Well-known member
Apr 10, 2007
There has beens some discussion about GT/CS tail light panels that seem to make the gas cap look almost recessed a bit when on the car. Possible early ones? Most gas caps extend a little bit past the panel. Or maybe it was poor mounting or?

anyway there is a thread on it. I will see if I can find it. Just to add to our confusion!!
