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1968 Deck lid paint


Aug 21, 2005
Lehi Utah
The first question I wanted to post was how many or rather how often did they paint the deck lid off the car. You can tell by the pictures that it was painted off the car. I had posted this question on the concourse forum, but I know there are obviously more Cal Knowledgeable owners here.




Well-known member
Feb 25, 2003
Flagstaff, AZ
This is an interesting question, in that MCA gold card judges explain that the bolts that hold the trunk lid to the hinge must be painted the body color, indicating the lid was on the car when it was painted. Your photos open the question of whether or not the decklid was actually painted on the car. I'm going to wait and see what others have to say on this topic, but I still have not painted the trunk hinge bolts on my GT/CS, believing the decklid was painted off the car. I'm sorry that I don't have an answer, but thank you for opening up this confusing issue. Russ


Well-known member
May 22, 2009
As said over on the concours forum most all cars were painted with the trunk lids on including my HCS and my dads GT-CS. It will be interesting to see if many more like this one show up. Any time you find something unusual you should do as Armond did and document it then when at a show tell the judge about it before the judging begins. That way you will not lose points on something that was original on your car that does not conform with the rules. Marty


Well-known member
Jun 19, 2006
Just to share with members here was I found and posted over on our site

The car Armond posted the picture from was completed on March 13th my original paint Cal Spec was completed March 15th and ours was painted (trunk lid and bolts) on the car as we normally see.

I have another car built before March 13th with painted bolts but since I don't have the marti report (might have it - just have not found it ;) I can not tell for sure when that example was built. So IMHO the unpainted bolts might be something that was done only on Armond's example or it may be something from that one day. Other original examples from the time period would help us all understand the picture better


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2002
Gettysburg, Pa.
That is the same thing with the round antenna. When restoring my car I purchased a round antenna and went to put it on I had to go the a rectangular one. The round one would not cover the hole up. It was never restored before. So at the MCA shows I get knocked every show that is why I don't attend many MCA shows.


Well-known member
Mar 28, 2003
It's like the little kid beauty pageants, starts out with good and fun intentions and as it progresses and gets more competative the fun goes away the rules have to get more detailed and more detailed and ... There's just no way around it, it isn't anyone's fault it's just the nature of competition. Heck NASCAR is a perfect example. Remember the good old days when you saw real Fords and Chev's and Dodges out there racing?

It has it's place and there are a lot of people that love the competition and I respect that, I just couldn't have any fun because that is why I would go and it isn't about showing it's about winning at that level.


Well-known member
Jun 19, 2006
That is the same thing with the round antenna. When restoring my car I purchased a round antenna and went to put it on I had to go the a rectangular one. The round one would not cover the hole up. It was never restored before. So at the MCA shows I get knocked every show that is why I don't attend many MCA shows.

Wow - sorry you don't attend much just because of a single issue. Not like that is going to make or break a car by itself

Unfortunately its difficult or impossible to tell if the hole in your fender is original or something a PO messed with


Well-known member
Feb 22, 2004
Columbus, Ohio
As has been said on this site many times - It's your car build it the way you want it. I've had people criticize me for dropping a 428CJ into my CS. It's not about the awards for me anyhow. I go to have fun. If someone doesn't like what I've done to my car that's their problem not mine. I've found most folks don't know their ass from hole in the ground when looking at a CS anyway. I like to see what other folks have done to their cars etc. etc. If I attend an MCA show, my car is display only. I've found that MCA judges take the fun out of it for me. Beside, I don't need some judge or a plaque/trophy to tell me what I have. I know what it is and it's well documented. Just my two cents worth.


68 special

Well-known member
Jan 17, 2004
I totally agree Don. If your into concourse, that's great, but it's not for me, obviously since my car isn't a GT/CS color and most is period correct but not original to the car. I know what I have and that is all that counts. When I'm gone someone else can worry about it.
That's my .02 worth.
