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1968 Electronic ignition question....


Well-known member
Mar 1, 2007
I install the Pertronix system. EZ installation, no points wear & tear, longer spark plug life. Be sure to use their flamethrower coil as well. AND- you must bypass the pink voltage dropping lead to the coil to assure 12V when running.


Doesn't your CS already have this??

robert campbell

Well-known member
Apr 10, 2007
There are two Pertronix (1 and II) units and each takes a different coil. I used the original Pertronix with a Mallory coil and had problems (burned two of them up). I think the Pertronix is a sound choice, but I recommend the matching Pertronix coil. Maybe I was unlucky. Tim's cherry red GT/CS had missing problems with the stock coil and I replaced it with the proper Petronix coil and it worked great.

Also when installing the light chopper it must be even with the top of the igniter module. Sometimes an o-ring must be put under the light chopper to raise it up. I have also seen the light chopper push the rotor up to high and it contacts the coil. I place a flat file in my vice and "mill" the bottom of the rotor down a bit to lower it.



Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
I've never been thrilled about installing new electronics in an old, possibly worn out, distributor so I use the Mallory Unilite 3755101 plug-n-play distributor. It doesn't have vacuum advance so it's definitely not for the purists. The 4755101 comes with vacuum advance but it's single port.

The Pertronix D130700 or D1350 distributor are also plug-n-play with vacuum advance. Like the Mallory units they don't have dual port vacuum advance, just single port.

I use the Mallory unit only because it doesn't require a 12V power source.


Well-known member
Aug 2, 2005
Pretty much the same story as above: I have the Pertroni Ignitor 1 with the compatible Pertronix Flamethower coil.

Specifically (if I remember correctly), the following setup:

Ignitor 1
Flamethrower 40111 (Epoxy, 1.5ohm internal resistance - I used the Epoxy because I'm mounting it sideways)


The Flamethrower coil takes a switched 12v (12v "cranking" and "key on") so you either have to bypass the stock ballast resistor wire from the key with another wire or (as I did) put a relay between 12v and the Flamethrower which is controlled by the resistor wire from the key.

The Ignitor in most (some?) cases will work just by hooking it up to a stock coil without bypassing the ballast resistor wire but in my case it was marginal and the car runs much better with the compatible flamethrower coil on it.

Installing the Ignitor is one of the easiest mods you can make to your car. I love it.

One caveat with the Ignitor 1 - don't leave the key in the "on" position with the car not running for an extended period of time. Evidently (depending on the position of the distributor when the engine was stopped) DC current flowing through the Ignitor can burn it up.

robert campbell

Well-known member
Apr 10, 2007
Like Arlie I have a Mallory Unilight on Val's Mustang and the Mallory
E on the GNS. Both have adjustable advance curves and I shorten them up to allow for 18 degrees of initial advance on both cars. These are both high performance cars.

But for a stock 302 I have had great success with the Pertronix upgrade. The light chopper and electronic module compensate for slop in the bearings and stabilize the ignition pulse over points and condenser. You need a good vacuum advance and some tuning, but the Pertronix works good in stock and mildly modified engines.

Want to get wild or just want the best, then buck up for the Mallory!!
