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1968 Emergency brake issue


Well-known member
Aug 15, 2004
Rosharon, Texas
I've got an issue with my emergency brake and I'm not sure how to take care of it. I was hoping someone may have the cure.
When I pull my emergency brake it works just fine. When I go to release it, the wire hops over the edge of the little wheel at the floorboard and jams itself between the wheel and the wheel housing.
I have taken to not using the e-brake but took it to a shop for some exhaust work and they pulled it and I had to fix it. I've tried switching the wheel so it would spin the opposite direction but that did not help. Its bolted to the floor and I don't think there is an adjustment there.??
Pretty annoying. Does anyone have any ideas?


Well-known member
May 4, 2007
Ventura County, CA
Don't have much to offer other than some things you may have already done like checking to see if the cable itself is kinked somewhere along the line. Perhaps the cable is dirty and covered in grease and dirt that it doesn't travel well when it's released. Only other thing I can offer up is checking near the rear brakes or the brakes themselves to see if something is binding it up when released. I know you said it works fine when activated so don't think it could be something awry w/the rear brakes but I've read and seen some of the strangest things happens so ya never know. I had a similar issue when I first got my CS a few yrs ago and IIRC I had to clean up the cable underneath the car and adust where the equalizer bracket pulled on the rear cable and also sprayed some silicon lube on the wheel assy and cables and haven't had any issues since, other than the handle cracking of course.

Hope you get it figured out, let us know what you find.

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Well-known member
Jan 7, 2006
Brisbane Australia
Get under the car and check the tension on the cable guide and arm under the drivers side. Adjust per shop manual. Could just be too loose.

If that does not fix it:

Jack up the rear end. Pull the wheels and drums. Operate the parking brake and observe the behavior of the return spring and cable at the rear drum.

Chances are;

1. the return spring is jammed and not keeping tension on the cable
2. the retaining clip is not holding the spring in place
3. the spring is not properly located or damaged
4. its all gummed up with years of brake dust, old grease and road goo

causing the problem.
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Well-known member
Aug 15, 2004
Rosharon, Texas
Thanks for the input. I detailed the brakes before I put the car on the road. Everything seems to move freely and nothing is dirty.
I will pull out the manual and adjust as per the manual. If that fails, It's possible the wheel is warped or the cable may be kinked. I'll go there next.
All great ideas, Thanks for the input.


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