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Fabulous Fords Forever 2007 Pictures


Well-known member
Nov 15, 2005
It is on a single Holley that has a hold down bracket that's similar to a single wing nut version and sits under the top cover. The lower cover has two studs that come up thru the top cover so you see two wingnuts. They used to use the same top cover for both single and double quads and changed the bottom sheetmetal cover accordingly, but that air cleaner is approx. 13 years old! I just looked in California Mustangs catalog and they are showing a single 4V version with 2 wingnuts so I guess they are still available. I need to set up something in the Gallery.


Well-known member
Feb 25, 2003
Flagstaff, AZ
My wife and I just got home to Flagstaff, and we wanted to tell everyone at the show how much we appreciated their hospitality! What a great group! We felt like we had known everyone for years!! My thanks to Luis for starting his car up (it sounds, and looks GREAT!!) and bringing the spectators over to our cars. Also, thanks, Joe for your friendship, and that is a great supercharger on your car. Sven and Christie...I really wish you weren't selling your CS (I'ts beautiful), and Donna....your great! Marion, you did a super job getting your car ready for the show....really beautiful. Tworings....beautiful car! Jon, you do a great job on the website and it was super meeting you. Thanks again, and we are already looking forward to next year.


Diesel Donna

Well-known member
Dec 22, 2004
Four other cars that didn't caravan with us. Donna can probably tell you whose cars they are.

Yup, yup, the first blue car with a surfboard rack is J.Peterson from the San Diego area, the Gulf Stream aqua CS is Bruce (carezcs), the highland green was a lady who came in and wanted to park with her husband who had an 07 CS but they wouldn't let her...but I never did get her name.
The white one with blue stripes is Rich and his wife from a Mustang club in the Fresno area. I am in the process of getting them to join us here on the website.

So we had a total of eleven California Specials, no High Country Specials :cry: .

I was so glad to see Scott there with his outstanding Cougar...he got extra special parking on the grass with all the big dogs. Great to meet Sven and Christie, Russ and Kathy and especially Dave and Heather who flew all the way from Canada! Wow! What a great time with great people!!!

Of course, Jon and all you California peeps are alright too! LOL!! Always a pleasure to see you there or anywhere! Thanks very very much to Stan and Lisa (Tworings) for letting me crash at their house so I wouldn't have to drive a bazillion miles and spend hours going back and forth from home to Orange County.

Now let's go to Grass Valley!!


Diesel Donna

Well-known member
Dec 22, 2004
Cool beans......3Phils (The lady with the highland green CS has joined our family here!) Welcome!!

Diesel Donna

Well-known member
Dec 22, 2004
There's a rumor going around that Donna was seen in a low-flying aircraft after dinner on Saturday heading towards Brea.

YES I WAS!!! It's TRUE! I was hammering down in the hammer lane...Joe for my co-pilot who kept saying...PUT IT TO THE FLOOR!!
Okay so I lagged back, gave myself some space and then I put it to the floor. But all of a SUDDEN there was no more space between me and whoever was in front of me...poor soul. RATS! Too many Saturday night drivers on the freeway! I never even got it into "125 MPH overdrive" but I did get put firmly back in my seat. What a rush!

Thanks Joe!


Well-known member
Oct 10, 2004
And my list keeps getting longer......Good thing I left before Donna got on that freeway,,,,


New member
Apr 24, 2007
Del Pozo's GT CS Old and New

This was the del Pozo's first car show.
Can't wait till next year!


  • GTCSold&new.JPG
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  • 1968GTCS.JPG
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  • 2007GTCS.JPG
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  • DelPozo5fords.JPG
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New member
Apr 24, 2007
Los Angeles, CA
Great time at Fabulous Fords

It was great to see 11 gtcs' at the show - glad to be part of the California Special family - please let me know when there is another california special caravan in southern california area - would love to join the rest of you. I'm the owner of the highlander Green GTCS - that was next to the surfboard blue gtcs. By the way that was my mother driving my car - I will update my profile shortly.

3 Phils


Well-known member
Feb 3, 2004
11 GT/CS's!!! Wow. Very cool.

I'll definitely have to get down to Knott's next year.

our special

Well-known member
Nov 25, 2002
Newfoundland Canada
Let me jump in and post a few pictures from today's event. I'm sure others will have more to share. We had a nice dinner Saturday night at Claim Jumper (Pic #1). Sunday we met at Starbucks and had a seven car caravan to the show: (Pic #2 - Tworings, Diesel Donna, Joedls, Calif Girl, Russ, Louie and Rananim). Three other Specials were at the show too! Stayed pretty cloudy all day, even had some sprinkles in the morning. CougarCJ and Mustanger stopped by to say "Hi" also. ~Lisa

Hi all, just got back to Canada from California after fourteen days of a
fantastic vacation. It sure was great meeting you for dinner at the Claim
Jumper and finally being able to meet in person, the people we speak with on line. I wish we could of had our car there so that we could be a part of the show as well, but it was great to see all of your cars together at the Knotts FF's.

Thanks again for everthing, it was really great meeting you,
All the best
Dave & Heather aka: our special