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Awww, that's cold man. This model is my car's mini me! I can't find one anywhere and I know a lot of people in the diecast business! Well if you decide to part with it give me a shout!
Awww, that's cold man. This model is my car's mini me! I can't find one anywhere and I know a lot of people in the diecast business! Well if you decide to part with it give me a shout!
Yeah, I know...but I'm one of those guys who like to leave the diecasts in the box and display them that way. The blue one I do have is still in the box and the whole thing looks brand new, box and all.
Hello All, I seen a Blue 1/18 Greenlight for sale, but I think the guy was out of Mexico,
I also seen two 1/18 Greenlight Red with red/white interior on ebay, one was a bid car and the other was a buy now car, both were about $50