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GT/CS Book Status / Update



I wanted to take a moment to bring everyone up to date with the status of the GT/CS Book. This project has taken a long time and it has been a very expensive and complicated project for me to produce. Here are some details about what is currently happening:

• The Ford Licence is in place, and I now have access to their photo archives, in which there is one GT/SC prototype of great interest.

• The Liability Insurance for the book ($3M policy) is still being processed.

• I'm in the final stages of choosing a printer, after a long process of deciding between five potential commercial printers. I must have this book printed in the USA, not "overseas".., and it will be printed on fine, 100% recycled paper from New Leaf Paper in San Francisco.

• My second interview with Lee Grey is completed, and I just completed one with Tom McIntyre of ACSCO, which led to photographing his prototype hood pins that led to the CS pins. I also learned a lot more about the origin of the rear script.

• I have chased down many photos for the book, and have some new, never-before-seen photos of Little Red, and I may get one of it in color.

• The entire book has been what is called "fleshed out", meaning that every page has been mocked up, and determined as to what goes where. All 224 pages have been dedicated to text and photos.

• The late model section has been expanded because of new material, due to the great interest these new GT/CSs have generated.

• So, you're probably thinking...when will it be done? I need a minimum of five weeks to do the layouts. The Registry is all there, it just needs to be meticulously edited, and checked. I must have about 300 copies of Marti Reports from owners (thank y0u!). Once it's all done (about Mid-August), then Ford needs to get a look at it, then it goes to print, which will take another four weeks. I want this project done by Sept. at the latest. My apologies for those who expected it sooner.

I REALLY appreciate the payments coming in, especially the $50 balance payments that help me a lot. And, yes, I'm still accepting registrations for both the '68 and 2007-08 GT/CS Mustangs.

I will keep you advised on this thread to how it's going., 'cause I know that many of you have been wondering how it is coming along.

Thank for for your patience.

Paul M. Newitt
GT/CS Registry
P.O. Box 2245
Davis, CA 95617.


Well-known member
May 26, 2007

Thank you for the update, I am glad to hear you have added extra material for us owners of the 07-09 models. I look forward to seeing the completed book.

How many books have been ordered ?


Well-known member
Feb 2, 2003
Paul, what do you mean when you say you are "still accepting registrations for the 68s"? I just purchased one have the marti report but I do not think that you have it. Is it too late?


Well-known member
Feb 17, 2004
Clemmons, NC
Paul, what do you mean when you say you are "still accepting registrations for the 68s"? I just purchased one have the marti report but I do not think that you have it. Is it too late?

I too am like murf104. I recently acquired a GT/CS and have the Marti report in hand. Would love to have it included if possible.
Apr 29, 2008
I would like to know what you mean when you say that you are still accepting registrations. Being a rather recent member of the forum, I thought I had missed any deadlines for information to be included in your book. If it is not too late, please let me know and I will send information today! :)



Thank you for the update, I am glad to hear you have added extra material for us owners of the 07-09 models. I look forward to seeing the completed book.

How many books have been ordered ?

As of right now, I have only 250 books ordered. I thought that out of 900 members, I'd have many more orders by now. I can't complain, many people have pre-ordered, and I DO appreciate those pre-orders very, very much!



Paul, what do you mean when you say you are "still accepting registrations for the 68s"? I just purchased one have the marti report but I do not think that you have it. Is it too late?

Like a few others--please just send in your registrations ASAP.

Send me your VIN, door data plate info, a Marti Report (copy), and any photos you have on a CD to:

Paul M. Newitt
P.O. Box 2245
Davis, CA 95617

This includes 1968, 2007, and 2008 GT/CS Mustangs.

thanks, Paul.


Here is what happened today....(anguish!)

I loaded Adobe's InDesign C3 into my Mac (OX 10.4), and went to open it, and it wouldn't take my old Pagemaker 6.5 registration number... Which, to say the least is VERY frustrating...

And--you know, this software is too hard to learn in a short amount of time anyway, so, I decide to use my trusty Pagemaker 6.5 on my G3. The heck with that new stuff... I'll still get the beautiful results I want. I'll just have to work a little harder.

And..the printer that I'm probably going with says that they don't accept that old version of Pagemaker--but will accept a .pdf file version...so no worries. Their tech guy will carry me through.

The hoops I have to jump through...!!!

A neat page template with grids for type was made tonight, and this week, and the next few weeks, I can let'r rip, doing page layouts like a madman. Whew!! I'll post a few low rez page samples here as they develop.

I had a follow up question today with a source, and the CS script WAS influenced by the '67 Cougar script in the same area of the car. Right down to the shape of the letter "C".

I'll keep you posted as it develops.

The liability insurance is coming along, too. But, it WILL be expensive.

Maybe I'll sell more copies once people know (when) it's out. And, you know, the economy is tough, and I understand how $100 is a lot for one book ($100 fills some gas tanks these days...)



Well-known member
Apr 23, 2007
Valencia, California
"Maybe I'll sell more copies once people know (when) it's out. And, you know, the economy is tough, and I understand how $100 is a lot for one book ($100 fills some gas tanks these days...)"

But not my Landcruiser - I am glad I ordered some books before gas prices sky-rocketed.


Hi Aussie-Your book information went out today.

If anyone else needs information on the book, to save time and effort, send me an SASE to:

Paul M. Newitt
GT/CS Registry
P.O.Box 2245
Davis, CA 95617




Well-known member
Apr 26, 2005
Hudson Valley Area, NY
As of right now, I have only 250 books ordered. I thought that out of 900 members, I'd have many more orders by now. I can't complain, many people have pre-ordered, and I DO appreciate those pre-orders very, very much!


That is interesting but if you look there are only 371 active members. I assume that number are those that visit the site, post etc.

I am still surprised though because I know myself and others have ordered multiple copies.

My guess is once it's out then people will jump on it.


I meant that there are 900 people on my own mailing list, and about 95% of those have cars in my registry.

You are right--some people will buy once they see it out...and I think that once people get their (advance) copy, they will want another one.

That works for me!!


p.s. The layouts are coming along nicely. I just got some nice Milpitas factory photos from collector Paul McLaughlin last week. I also colorized the Little Red B&W photos, as seen in my avatar photo. I also picked a printer in Sacramento--it will be printed in the USA, and on 100% recycled paper.


Well-known member
Aug 15, 2004
Rosharon, Texas
In reading this thread the following thought occurred to me.
Are the new registry GT/CS count figures current updates from known sources or are they known updates including old info on cars from the previous registry books.
If a car was in a previous registry but you have not been able to verify that the car still exists today is there an identifier indicating uncertainty?
I know you have mentioned cars with marti reports provided will be identified. Just curious on the other.


In reading this thread the following thought occurred to me.
Are the new registry GT/CS count figures current updates from known sources or are they known updates including old info on cars from the previous registry books.
If a car was in a previous registry but you have not been able to verify that the car still exists today is there an identifier indicating uncertainty?
I know you have mentioned cars with marti reports provided will be identified. Just curious on the other.

Welcome to my world of GT/CS Registrar.

This is partly why the book has been so difficult. The Registry has to be a sorted combination of the 1996 edition, printouts I get from this site (Jon--thank you); lots of cards with VINs from Ebay and other sources from Bob Teets, and lots and lots of registrations I get in the mail from new owners of existing cars in the registry, or new, never-before-registered cars.

Each car may have photos from then and now, and many have sent in a copy of their Marti report (I must have 300 by now). Many stories, and details about what the car has on it, etc...

I also have grabbed data from the Marti Reports posted on this site. I go after whatever is available and freely accessable.

There will be cars that have no reasonable current information on, and I'll list it, as long as it fits the parameters based on the Marti data we have for the book (such as DSO time frame, VIN parameters, production dates, etc.). There WILL be old cars in the registry that can't be verified, because they slipped through the cracks, and perhaps the owner passed away, or it changed hands without an update mailed to me, or it was wrecked, stolen or whatever...

I DO NOT, nor have I ever guaranteed the accuracy or authentication of the cars in my registry (outside of the Marti reports, or if the owner provided original dealer paperwork). I list as many as I can, based on what has been found. It's up to potential buyers to get a Marti, etc., to protect their investment. I list as many as possible, because they could be a beginning to an actual GT/CS find. But, again, I am very vigilant about what cars in question, from an uncertain past, are listed.

So--this has been a HUGE, tedious job.

Gotta get back to work on the book,

Paul N.


New Update Coming

I'll have a detailed update about the book coming up for you this weekend.

Schedule, progress, etc...

Stay Tuned,

Paul N.


Active member
Apr 18, 2008

I'll have a detailed update about the book coming up for you this weekend.

Schedule, progress, etc...

Stay Tuned,

Paul N.

Hi Paul,

Just a note of encouragement on the book.

I have a small idea of the massive human effort of time and energy that writing a book requires. Here is why...

I watched my Dad work on his book for many years. After coming home from a day of teaching High School, he'd sit at the dinner table to have supper with us and afterwards he'd go up stairs to his loft study and disappear for the rest of the night to type on his manual trusty old typewriter. It was an old one like in the old black and white movies...

Dad became pretty reclusive, yet we knew that his book meant the world to him. Mom would look after us and then put us to bed, "Dad's still working on his book."

When he finally finished the book and found a publisher all was well until the publisher asked him to edit two pages of the book. He refused. To Dad they were the most important pages of his story. His book never did get published, and he continued to work on it for many more years.

He always told me "Never sell out, (meaning one's self) and never to do second rate work." I have taken these words with me on my life's journey and they have served me well. And I thank God that my Dad told me these words enough times that they sunk in.

That being said, I very much appreciate the extra time, effort and accuracy you are putting into your book, to get to where you are satisfied with it. You are even adding us new '07-'08 owners in! That's a mountain of extra work... I'm sure you'll put as much about the '09 in, as you have info on before you go to print.

Know this Paul, your book will be the "Cadillac of the Skies" on our coffee table. Check is in the mail for 2 more copies, one to archive in my library, the other to keep in the trunk of my car in a black leather zippered book cover so I can share our GT/CS legacy with those that are interested.

I'm praying for you...Godspeed Paul!


Thanks, Mark for the thoughtful words of encouragement. YOu are right---this is my showpiece, and I am very proud of it. I want it right, too.
I did a book on Special Effects for Model RR, ( www.modelrrcreativefx.com) three years ago, and that was 2 years of 12 hour days, including weekends to do that book....

Here is the update...

July 27, 2008....

Here is the status of the book. As of today, I have 220 book orders, and I'll need some more to make the minimum to get the book printed.

The good news is that I have chosen a printer, "Fong & Fong" in Sacramento. This was a great find, and I also got a great price on the (100% recycled) high quality paper for the book, from "New Leaf Paper" in San Francisco.

The bid for the liability insurance for the book (as per required by the Ford License) just came in, and was about $1200 less than the first bid. This isn't cheap, but I have to have it.

I had to send Ford a pre-payment of "a few thou" for 2008. That wasn't easy.

There are about $8K in outstanding "final payments of $50" out there, but I'll be mailing notices to all involved, although not until the book is about to go to press (but you are welcome to mail it in at any time).

I have finished the look of the book, a little bit inspired by car brochures for high end cars, and the design of Motor Trend magazine. I have included a few sample pages for you to see. It's all in full color. The book will be a horizonal type, where the pages are 11 inches wide, and 8-1/2 tall. This makes for a nice coffee table type book to open up and look at. It's 224 pages.

The cover will still be a nice black crinkle texture (like a black vinyl top), with a 2 inch high silver-chrome GT/CS stripe pressed into the black. The back cover will be the same, but with the 2007-09 GT/CS Stripe design. this book will be like an adventure through time and excitement--all about your GT/CS Mustang.... People you show this book to will be amazed, and will want to find one for sale...

I am about done with the research. I had to interview a few more people...like Lee Grey, and Tom McIntyre of ACSCO. A few photos need to be taken or found, but 95% of all photos are done.

So, what is left is to do 224 pages of layouts...like assembling a puzzle with a zillion pieces--methodically. I'm leaving no stone unturned on this one....and including new information and production numbers for both the '68 (via Marti), and 2007-09 versions (via Ford).

ALL the DVD footage is here to be edited (via iMovie/Mac), with an original Calif. Special Rock song, and original soundtrack, by Jemgirl.com in Australia.

So--what does this mean in terms of time? I still have at least a good month of layouts to do, and another month to get ALL those loose ends of cars for the Registry. The other part is while I'm doing this, more folks can get their cars in at the last minute. And...more orders can fill in the gaps for me financially.

I'm not at all complaining--but I thought that out of about 900 members in the Registry--I'd have more than 220 book orders. I'm crossing my fingers that once the book is out, that people will buy it when they see it--or buy a second or third copy. This is a heavy personal invensment for me, both in time, effort and money, so I hope it's popular once it's out. I have great interest in Motor Trend magazine to review it, too. That might sell out (2000) copies all at once.

The sale of my personal GT/CS will get this off and running for sure. I'll also be selling my personal Mustang book collection, and Ford parts diagram book (huge--11 binders big).

I think that at this point, we're looking at Oct-Nov for release of the book--including the printer needing 30 days to print it, and before that, Ford needs to give it a look for approval (as per the lic. agreement). The only retailer for this book will be Tony Branda Performance in Altoona, PA.

"IF" anyone out there is unhappy or impatient, and has made a pre-order, I'd be happy to immediately refund it. I didn't intend for this to take so long, but the licensing process, research, and other activities (like my other jobs) ate into my time. It's moving along at a good, solid pace, and I'll continue to post updates as they happen. I'll also answer any questions you may have.

Thanks for your patience...

Paul M. Newitt

I'm putting in every moment into finishing this book for you...and it's the biggest job I've ever done.

If you wish to order a book, you can send a check or Money Order (int'l from a US Bank), in $50 for a deposit, or the full amount as a pre-order for $100 (ppd.), made out to "Paul M. Newitt", and send it to:
P.O. Box 2245, Davis, CA. 95617 USA. Registrations of 1968, or 2007, 2008 (and '09) GT/CS Mustangs are also welcome at this same address. Include any (copy of) a Marti Report your VIN and door tag info, photos (on a CD), and other interesting info, if you wish.

PHOTO: my workstation...at "GT/CS Central". Mac G3 workhorse on the job...
And yep, Wall-E is there to help, too.


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Samples of work...

This is the front page (blurry screencapture), that will have a frosted overlay sheet over it, that will include the numbering and signature by myself to authenticate each and every book.

Copyright PMN, 2008.


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