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1968 GT-CS guys in Mustang Monthly


Well-known member
May 22, 2009
I just got my Mustang Monthly and pictures of Jeff Speegle and John Murphy. There was a nice artical about John's 68 GT-CS. There was also a piece on our good freinds Johnnie and Rachel Garner from South Carolina. We traveled to Seattle's MCA grand national with them. Way to go guys. Marty


Well-known member
Feb 2, 2003
The trip to OKC was a great time! The CS was thrifty and quiet to drive, the AC kept us cool when the ambient temp reached 102 during the show, and every evening we made the trip in bumper to bumper city traffic to the downtown area of OKC with the AC blasting and never a hint of overheating. Enjoyed the trip and enjoyed meeting many fellow Mustang nuts who attended!