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GT/CS-HCS hood twist locks in Black


New member
Nov 13, 2006
Hi folks! I'm new here ... and basically what brought me here was the idea I have for using the GT/CS-HCS hood twist locks on my ride. The only problem I have is the desire to have them in BLACK. My hood is black and I'd like to "hide" the hood locks. Not that I hate chrome ... I just don't want them to stand out. I really like the functionality of the twist lock, and I don't really like traditional hood pins ... and have always liked the Mustang solution with the GT/CS-HCS hood twist locks. Does anyone here know of a solution? Can I have the chrome stripped off and have them anodized black ... or maybe powder coated? Has anyone ever done this? If so ... what's to be expected in cost and are there any recomendations as to where to have it done? Or even any alternatives? I've looked pretty extensively on eBay ... Google searches, etc. I keep coming back to the GT/CS-HCS hood twist locks as a preferred solution to fastening the corners of my fiberglass hood.
I don't want to give anyone a "grabber" ... That's why I posted here in the off topic area. I do respect your rides. Mine is a custom job, and not a Mustang or Mach I. Completely different. I'm only here for some advice, so please, don't be too harsh with me ... OK?
Thanks in advance,
- Tony ... a.k.a NetMan


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
They are not chrome, just highly polished, so powder coating or anodizing them should be possible.

Diesel Donna

Well-known member
Dec 22, 2004
Aren't they stainless steel? Yep, I would think you can powder coat them.


New member
Nov 13, 2006
Thanks to all that replied. I thought they were chromed ... ads I saw had (chrome) after some descriptions. That's why I came here first. I will look into a local place to powder coat them once I get a pair. Again ... thanks!
- Tony