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1968 GT/CS Ratfink - Commission Art - This is the only one in existence


Well-known member
Oct 8, 2004
Crystal Lake, IL
Hi Folks,

Here is a piece that was my pride and joy. I commissioned Johnny Ace to do a Rat Fink drawing of the GT/CS. Johnny Ace actually worked with Ed Roth at Roth studios. It took him over 6 months - partly our going back and forth on 'look and feel' and partly due to his poor health. This is the only one. No others. It captures the GT/CS California Special perfectly in a time capsule of the Roth years. A picture of it is in Paul's book.

This is NOT a print. It is the original. I paid a lot to have this "Roth Artist" do it. There are others out there that draw Roth-like stuff. But Johnny was the king!

I am willing to sell it. I have attached a photo. The drawing is approximately 14x18 inches. Johnny charged me half price, as he saw this was special too. I paid $600 to have it done.

I would like to fetch the highest price (and not gouge anyone - but being unemployed...the more the better). If you would like to buy it, then send me an email with your price (email: casey.hill@sbcglobal.net). I dont know what price to start for such a piece ????? I leave that up to you guys.

I want to reserve the right to sell to someone who really wants it or I know them from the old days.

To me, it is a CS pinnacle art piece. But, I understand if there is not interest. You guys wont hurt my feelings.....we are family.

God Bless, Casey


  • RF GT-CS.jpg
    RF GT-CS.jpg
    78.7 KB · Views: 137


Well-known member
Jun 17, 2006
Hi Folks,

Here is a piece that was my pride and joy. I commissioned Johnny Ace to do a Rat Fink drawing of the GT/CS. Johnny Ace actually worked with Ed Roth at Roth studios. It took him over 6 months - partly our going back and forth on 'look and feel' and partly due to his poor health. This is the only one. No others. It captures the GT/CS California Special perfectly in a time capsule of the Roth years. A picture of it is in Paul's book.

This is NOT a print. It is the original. I paid a lot to have this "Roth Artist" do it. There are others out there that draw Roth-like stuff. But Johnny was the king!

I am willing to sell it. I have attached a photo. The drawing is approximately 14x18 inches. Johnny charged me half price, as he saw this was special too. I paid $600 to have it done.

I would like to fetch the highest price (and not gouge anyone - but being unemployed...the more the better). If you would like to buy it, then send me an email with your price (email: casey.hill@sbcglobal.net). I dont know what price to start for such a piece ????? I leave that up to you guys.

I want to reserve the right to sell to someone who really wants it or I know them from the old days.

To me, it is a CS pinnacle art piece. But, I understand if there is not interest. You guys wont hurt my feelings.....we are family.

God Bless, Casey

Hi Casey PM sent