Thank you everyone!
A perfect 72 degree sunny day at a car show put on in memory of Brian Miller who died in his 20's and had a perfect 65 fastback which he restored and landed in various magazines. Every year his parents put on a show called Bowl 'n' Shine at Glacier Bowl in Everett in his memory, give out coveted bowling pin trophies, and bowl with Mustang buddies!
His touching story:
Satan had to throw in a fast move (her latest fave) and spit off spark plug #5 a couple of times so she could keep her name today, and to remind me of who's in charge.
I'm remembering THIS VERY day when I took delivery of my 68 CS, Satan in El Segundo, Calif. I met Paul and Ron for the 1st time who saved Jenn and I from the SoCal 110 degree hell. What a day; a day I will NEVER forget!!
And now off to a delicious Italian dinner at Pasta Bella in Ballard.
Then Jillian's for Billiards. Is that the name for pool shooting? And a-a-a-alco-hol.