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Help! I'm about to give up on a GT/CS!!

Sep 24, 2005

Can ANYONE help! I have been searching for 5-6 months and I'm beginning to think it's a losing battle. I am looking for a GT/CS, however, I can't afford one that's already restored to show quality(that's ALL I can find) or just a rusty frame! I can go up to $15,000, is this just a pipe dream, finding one at this price? Should I keep looking or just forget about it?My 16 year old girl thinks this is the ONLY car on EARTH (wonder where she gets this from!!) ANY HELP ON WHERE TO GO OR LOOK?? I want to win MOM of the YEAR!! Thanks for ANY HELP!!


Well-known member
Feb 22, 2004
Columbus, Ohio
Don't give up yet. There out there, you just have to be patient. It took me almost 6 months before I found mine by shear luck one night on the internet. Don't know if you've looked at these links yet.



At least they fall within your price range. And remember you can always try to wheel and deal if you can spot things that need replacement or repair. If your not sure what your looking at have someone you know that is knowledgeable go with you. Or better yet get pictures and post them here on the site. There are plenty of us who can help you. Hang in there, you'll find one.

Don 8)
Sep 24, 2005
Thanks Don for the positive outlook! Will keep looking, got the number from the links you gave and I'll keep everyone informed! Wish me luck!!

68 special

Well-known member
Jan 17, 2004
Nice looking cars. I'd check out the vin #'s before I shelled out the cash especially on the white one for $17,000. It looks like it has some aftermarket parts like the rear quarter end caps (they don't fit right), the California Special script doen't look like it's in the right location, Black on the taillight chrome bezels, GT fog lights instead of Lucas or Marchal, and the stock 68 rims and hubcaps in the trunk. I may be wrong but these stood out for me, just didn't look right. Good luck on the search.

Sep 19, 2005
Hey now is not the time to give up. I just got my 68 HSC. It took a while but was well worth the wait. Hey try to get in touch with this guy. "Brian Lee" <classicmotorsports@hotmail.com>
He had a GT/CS that had a 289 with a/c and looked to be rust free for $14,500. That was about three weeks ago but he was not actively advertising it. I did the Marti report and it is a cal spec. I can send you a copy is he still has the car. It was a California black plate car. Brian deal in a lot of clean California cars. Hope that helps. John


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
Wendy, we stumble across good cars all the time so if you can narrow down what you are looking for we will certainly keep you in mind when we see something close to what you want. It might help if you could give us some sort of list of your needs, wants, and don't wants (deal breakers).

For example:

Exterior color
Interior color
Options such as: deluxe interior, air, upper or lower console, vinyl top

Is it ok if the car needs a paint job?
Is a little rust ok?
Do you care if it has the original engine?

How are you going to use the car? Show, drive, drive/show?

Do you want to spend the entire $15K and get a car as close to perfect as you can, or do you want to spend less and fix it up a little, or would you rather spend a whole lot less and fix it up a lot?

If all else fails I can give you the name of a broker. He charges 10% and requires $500 down. The $500 is later used for inspections. Anything left over from the $500 goes into the purchase of the car. He has found a lot of GT/CSs for me but they just haven't been what I'm looking for. Most of them are either red or blue.


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2005
Wendy, you can't give up! We need more women GT/CS owners. I've had mine a little over a year. My husband ran across it in a yard at a house he was doing work at. Did some work in trade for the car! It needs work, but it still turns heads when I drive it. My kids think I'm the coolest mom in town and they love when I pick them up from school in it. Good luck, you'll find one soon.


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2004
I totally agree Sara. Wendy don`t give up. There is a GT/CS out there for you. Just give it a little more time. The right one will be worth waiting for. I`ve had my GT/CS for a year and a half and enjoy it very much. Mine isn`t perfect, but people really love seeing it in local shows and parades. Good luck with your search and I look forward to chatting with you here on the site.


Well-known member
Sep 12, 2005
El Dorado Hills
Please don't give up. I recently purchased my GT/CS and had a smilar budget. The car needs some work but runs well and has nice lines. Needless to say it needs some work but I can take care of most of it which is exactly what I was looking for. Also, the folks here on this site will be of great value to you when you find the CS with your name on it. Good luck.


Hi Wendy--

I run the GT/CS Registry, and these cars are out there; you just need to look for them. Since you're in So. Alabama (BTW--are you OK from Katrina/Rita?), you might have difficulty in the south. Roughly speaking--half of the remaining GT/CS cars are still in Calif--and the other half are spread throughout the rest of the country. Be careful with folks that think they have a gold mine GT/CS that is rusted out, etc...

"IF" you wish to not look for a GT/CS, you might consider making your daughter a "Little Red" (do a google search for "Little Red, Shelby"), in any color she wishes--from a '68 coupe. I would also suggest that you get a fuel cell gas tank, and a rear seat shield. Your Mustang dealer can explain why (or anyone else here).

Good Luck, and hang in there. We wish you the best--for finding the car, and for all of you on the Gulf Coast affected by yhe storms.

Paul Newitt
Sep 24, 2005
For example:

Exterior color
Interior color
Options such as: deluxe interior, air, upper or lower console, vinyl top

Is it ok if the car needs a paint job?
Is a little rust ok?
Do you care if it has the original engine?

How are you going to use the car? Show, drive, drive/show?

Do you want to spend the entire $15K and get a car as close to perfect as you can, or do you want to spend less and fix it up a little, or would you rather spend a whole lot less and fix it up a lot?

Hey you guys, I'm still looking, no luck yet. Ok just to give you a heads up on what I would like/not like!

Exterior- any color- No it doesn't matter if it needs a paint job.

Interior- Same- if it needs some work, its OK

Engine- 289 or 302, but prefer original

Trans- auto or standard

With me being in the South, it would be nice if it had AIR!!!LOL!!

P/S is optional, along with ANYTHING else i forgot to mention!

I would LOVE to find a clean one that is rust free,(lol) but I know that is a pipe dream! So I guess a little rust will have to do! I would use it as a drive/show and I would like it close to perfect, or fix up and spend less, however I CAN NOT do a total restoration!

I really appreciate all the info I'm getting here! Keep it coming!

Wendy ;)
Sep 24, 2005
Since you're in So. Alabama (BTW--are you OK from Katrina/Rita?), you might have difficulty in the south. Roughly speaking--half of the remaining GT/CS cars are still in Calif--and the other half are spread throughout the rest of the country.
I would also suggest that you get a fuel cell gas tank, and a rear seat shield.

Good Luck, and hang in there. We wish you the best--for finding the car, and for all of you on the Gulf Coast affected by yhe storms.

Paul, thanks for the heads up on the fuel tank info. Yep , I realize it will be hard to locate one ANYWHERE around my area,(it would be really cool to have one here to turn heads!) that is why I have NO problem takin a road trip to get one!! I also have a brother who lives in Inglewood, that is keeping an eye out for me! He's kinda my west coast eyes!! Anyway, we made it through BOTH storms with little damage, just lost power for about 7-8 days! Had to live off the generator, 100% humidity here is REALLY not a happy time without AIR!! Will be happy when the season is over! Thanks for asking!!


Well-known member
Sep 28, 2005
Wendy - you get Mom of the year for even trying to find a rare car for your daughter. All of the posts say to not give up - that is good advice for everything in life. In 1968 I saw a brand new black on red GT-CS and have wanted one since. Earlier this year I saw a black on red GT-CS on Ebay, I bought it and have never been happier about owning a car in my life. Your daughter has good taste - so where does that come from?

Good luck - good things come to good people!!

Randy (The Black Pearl)


Well-known member
Aug 2, 2005
Howdy Wendy,

Sage words of advice.... DO *NOT* GIVE UP!!!... The GT/CS is only the best looking car ever made, bar none :)

My suggestion (sorry if this is obvious) is to be patient, look on various sites for a few months to get some prices comparisons...


I got mine for ~$16K about two years ago (in CA) and it was like it came off the showroom floor. So they do exist. If you can find one being sold by someone who restores cars as a *hobby* its probably a good deal. I spent 6mos looking until my ideal car showed up on ebay...

I second Pauls comments on where they are. California has a preponderance of the Cal (duh!) Specials and most west coast cars are rust free. If I were you I'd definitely look for a West Coast/South car. Try to stay away from the NE/Midwest (no offence intended) cars as the salt does a number on them (Pacific NorthWest is OK as they dont use salt up there).

I also originally hail from around Mobile area so I know *if* you do find a Cal Special down there I will bet you its (1) really tricked out (2) very cherry and (3) probably a good price - I mean, Nascar got started in the South with the bootleggers. Southerners know cars (eg Shelby) :)

I've seen a number of cars advertised in the FL and the FL panhandle area on ebay.

The other place for good prices is probably CA since there are so many of them still out here.

Finally, I would guess (hope?) that a Cal Special is an investment. Hopefully we will get Cal Specials into the Shelby registry (...go, Paul, go...) and the "Poor man's Shelby" will become the "Prudent man's Shelby"... and KaChing, we're even *happier* we bought one (but disappointed we cant afford another) ;)

Good luck.....
Sep 24, 2005
Thanks Sara & Rhonda! I just hate that I spent the last several mths. getting NOWHERE fast! I'm glad I found CS.com :p. Will be even happier when I can chat about my OWN!! 8)

Howdy ;D P51! I agree, BAR NONE!
http://www.collectorcartraderonline.com/ is a GREAT site! Does anyone know anything about this business? Is this a place I can trust? They have some fine cars! And your right, I haven't seen a GT/CS here but the other models are either jacked up :-X or tricked out! ::). But, they have a Mustang and I don't!!

Randy, AWSOME cars!! The Black Pearl is a GEM!! ;D
Your brothers car is a HOT ticket too! Yes, my daughter does!! ;D ;D! The apple doesn't fall to far from the tree does it!! :)
Thanks to ALL and will keep
you posted!


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2002
Gettysburg, Pa.
Just got back fron the fall Carlisle and a GTCS was for sale for 18900. He had the Marti report. He said that it's not registered .If it's not sold this week end I'll get the information next week at Hershey. A couple of guys were looking at it from Australia.
At the Ford show a guy was looking for his stolen Shelby . He found it at the show. The car was from Canada and he had proof that he purchased the car legally. I would like to know how they would settle the dispute.I don't know if the VIN # were changed or not.