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For Sale Holley 4150 GT390 Carb w/Carb Tag


Well-known member
May 5, 2011
Chandler, AZ
Ford Holley 4150 carbureator for a 1968 Mustang, Cougar, Fairlane GT390 with C6 Automatic transmission air horn cast C8OF-9510-D LIST 3796-1

The top of the main body says 6R 3059 B

Includes original carb tag that reads C80F D 7MA (For Cars With a Dec 67 & Later Build Date?)

Front primary metering block correct 5554 Rear secondary correct 4841

Carb has been sitting on the shelf for 25+ years. Looks complete, all linkages move freely, sold as a core for rebuild.

$195 + $25 shipping.

Pictures available at: http://s28.photobucket.com/user/azb...0 4V Carb/IMG_20140526_095958113_HDR.jpg.html