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1968 hood turn signal grille retaining nuts


Well-known member
Feb 2, 2003
Looking for help determining the finish on the nuts that hold the hood turn signal assemblies to the hood. The little nuts have a rubber insert in them for sealing and carry Ford hardware number 353911-S100. What is the finish on these nuts - zinc? zinc di-chromate? a color indicating something special? Thanks for any images of the original item or any advice on how they appear. There are fourteen of these under your hood so we should be able to get a good sample from a lot of cars. You may want to add your VIN and scheduled build date to your information in case there may have been a running change somewhere along the way. Thank you!


Well-known member
May 22, 2009
John I believe that they were cadmium w/ a red rubber seal. I do not know why it was listed special finish. Marty


Well-known member
Feb 2, 2003
Thanks, Marty. I had hope that more folks would comment since all of the California Specials made in 68 had the turn signal hood that used these fasteners, but will have to make the assumption that as you note the nuts have the ordinary cad plate and the S-100 (special finish) designation noted in the Factory Assembly Manuals may be because of the rubber sealing insert contained in the hollow of the nut. It seems that some of the factory fasteners used on the turn signal assembly have the red rubber insert as you noted while others have a black rubber sealing insert. This info is from a very limited sample of cars. Maybe at sometime more info will be posted.

robert campbell

Well-known member
Apr 10, 2007
I am not a concurs guy, but these nuts are very common on all Fords in that era. Used alot on trim pieces. Especially Falcons and Comets. I have quite a few laying around.
