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I may have to sell my GT/CS to publish my book..



Thanks for posting the book information on those sites!! I really appreciate it!!

I want to make an impression on the late model GT/CS owners especially, since they are the next generation (and I've decided to get a red one as soon as the books sell well enough to do so).

Side note!! Big News. I found an Australian (Melbourne!) musician, and remix artist to make us a California Special song for the DVD. She's going to soundtrack the whole DVD (a little Bond-ish sounding). It will be very exciting!! You'll get to play this song in your GT/CS as you're on the road, too!!

Paul N.

Northern Pony

Well-known member
Aug 28, 2007
I have been out of the country for all of February, and was more than surprised when I started on this thread. I was going to tell you not to sell, you will never replace it etc. I was glad to see that as I read on you had indeed come to the same conclusion. The advice you have recieved is great, I wish I had more to add, but the folks here have come up with many fabulous ideas. I have already paid in full, and if the price has to go up I can accept that. For now I encourage members to pay the balance and help Paul out. After all; the book is nearing completion, does it really matter if you spend that extra $50 in February, or this spring.
Sending out fliers is expensive and you are an individual, not a corporation, charge for postage and printing, I'm sure every one will understand.