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. July 2010 Seattle MCA Show, Northwest Get Together Part Two


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2006
Alrighty then.

I know who Rob, Neil, Ron, Roy, Sarge, and Renee are in the photos.

Didn't get the program that tells me the rest of the players.

Can you help a fellow GT/CS'r out?


Well-known member
Dec 14, 2006
Loomis, Ca
I guess I should have put the names on my pictures, but I was a bit "pre-occupied" last night. Here are the names as best as I can remember...

I am sooooo sorry I forgot Jean-Yves' wifes name :sad:

I also included a couple of shots from the ferry ride home. It was a lot sunnier than the ride to Bremerton!


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Well-known member
Feb 12, 2003
i checked my brother's extensive nascar collection, he only has one mark martin autograph. it's on a diecast, #6 car that is part of a large diecast collection, and he won't , of course, break up the set. i guess he really is a hard one to get.

Midnight Special

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Grass Valley, California
Great pics everybody!

...Yes, Keep them coming!

Rob - your lakeside cabin is spectacular and the BBQ & boating you put on...Wow! I'm so sorry to have missed that. Renee was so gracious in calling me with updates and passing the phone around to my "cousins in cars" :) You all made my weekend nonetheless!

Amy - what a great and generous job YOU did with your part in management! 1,700 cars in all - yet how fortunate the GT/CS folks who received such VIP treatment with huge smiles to go with their miles! You are the Real Deal :)

JBART - you opened a real "can o'worms" talking NASCAR with Renee ;-) She will "drink you under the table" on that subject. Good luck with that one ;-)

What an historic and monumental event you all performed! Are there pictures of you all at the MCA show as well?

So proud of you!....So sorry to have missed out!


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2003
JBART - you opened a real "can o'worms" talking NASCAR with Renee ;-) She will "drink you under the table" on that subject. Good luck with that one ;-)

I found that out when we were having dinner wth the canadians, then Renee started talking "wine" with , i think Bob Walker.
that was interesting too, it was out of my realm of expertise, but it was interesting
way out


Well-known member
Mar 28, 2003
I too have this deep feeling that I really missed out on a great time, glad you shared as much as you have with us, brings it a little closer.


Well-known member
May 24, 2006
Calgary, Alberta CANADA
I guess I should have put the names on my pictures, but I was a bit "pre-occupied" last night. Here are the names as best as I can remember...

I am sooooo sorry I forgot Jean-Yves' wifes name :sad:

I also included a couple of shots from the ferry ride home. It was a lot sunnier than the ride to Bremerton!

Jean-Yves better half is - Bonnie


Well-known member
May 24, 2006
Calgary, Alberta CANADA
Here are a few more photos from the BBQ.

Robert thank you again for the great time, ans also to Amy who helpped put things together and for making sure we did not get lost ;)



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Well-known member
Dec 14, 2006
Loomis, Ca
Jean-Yves better half is - Bonnie

Oh, thank God I stopped myself before I typed "Connie". I decided it would be best to question myself rather then get it wrong. I met so many amazing people this trip and I am TERRIBLE with names.

Bonnie, I am sooo sorry I forgot your name :embarass:

Great pictures everyone! Keep them coming!!


Well-known member
Dec 14, 2006
Loomis, Ca
i checked my brother's extensive nascar collection, he only has one mark martin autograph. it's on a diecast, #6 car that is part of a large diecast collection, and he won't , of course, break up the set. i guess he really is a hard one to get.

That's okay JBart. Mark Martin is a hard one to get and I know that. Thanks for the offer to check for me though :) And Tim is right, I do love NASCAR and Mark Martin is my favorite driver!! I could talk your ear off about NASCAR racing!! I have been a fan since the 60's (I was still just a baby :wink:)

Another thing I enjoy is wine tasting/collecting. Hey, I live right in the middle of the California wine country!! I have quite a few "exceptional" wines in my collection just waiting for the proverbial "special occasion". Hey, sounds like a GT/CS party to me :cheesy:


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2006
That's okay JBart. Mark Martin is a hard one to get and I know that. Thanks for the offer to check for me though :) And Tim is right, I do love NASCAR and Mark Martin is my favorite driver!! I could talk your ear off about NASCAR racing!! I have been a fan since the 60's (I was still just a baby :wink:)

Another thing I enjoy is wine tasting/collecting. Hey, I live right in the middle of the California wine country!! I have quite a few "exceptional" wines in my collection just waiting for the proverbial "special occasion". Hey, sounds like a GT/CS party to me :cheesy:

I got Elliot Sadler's Autograph when he came up to our luxury suite in Atlanta a few years ago. He used to be our driver.

I had met him on numerous occasions when he came to race at Fontana.


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2003
here are some pictures of the dinner cruise, and show.
and i think the boat captains were playing chicken!


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Well-known member
Apr 25, 2003
Wow, it looks like a great time was had by all! Thanks for all the pics. They almost make you feel like you were there.



Well-known member
Dec 14, 2006
Loomis, Ca
Here are a few more pictures from the show itself...

Hey Tim, You need one of those Mustang carts to drive around during Airfest :wink:


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Midnight Special

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Grass Valley, California
...ALRIGHT! Nice pictures Renee! Nice GT/CSs too!
Nice to catch a glimpse of Marty, papa Neil, Satan... and I see You found a perfect pal for the walk-around ;-)

The golf cart is neat & would indeed come in handy! It looks like it could share many of the body parts with the pool table Jon posted in "off topic" this a.m.

Northern Pony

Well-known member
Aug 28, 2007
We had a great week end and good week coming home. It is true what they say; "you meet the nicest people driving a Mustang". We met many nice and friendly people, the B-B-Q was awesome, and great hospitality from Rob and Val, thank you. The two shows were great and Renee thanks for posting a pic of my car at the judged show. I have never seen so many nice cars as at the S&S on Sunday.
A lot of Rum and a lot of Red Wine but I seem to remember something about Renee being our " honorary Canadian" and honorary member of our club, I believe Cindy is even going to send her our news letter. Great gal and she just worked her way into all of our hearts.
Of all I got to spend the least time with Marty but we did get together for a quick bite and car talk, very knowledgeable car guy. That beer I promised Marty will have to wait till next time.
Out of the whole trip my greatest worry was taking the old gal over Rogers Pass, but she just sailed through, kept up with the new cars, and was often in the passing lane climbing with the best of them. However a car of this age is not the best on bumpy down hill corners, as I quickly learned.
Great event, nice people, and awesome cars.
See you on the road.

robert campbell

Well-known member
Apr 10, 2007
Thanks to all who came!!! We went through all 30 pounds of the briskett by days end.

What a great bunch of people and it was Val and I's pleasure to host you guys. I had a great time and only wished you could have stayed longer!!

Fed Maxi the hound a small piece of brisket and she wolfed it down. Her "intestinal" difficulties are finally over and she is eating like a horse again. I thought I may have to put her down, but she has rallied like no ones business!!

Thanks again for all the great talk and camaraderie!! I will post a couple pics soon. Did 8 racks of baby back ribs last Saturday!!! Yummmm yummmm!!!


68 special

Well-known member
Jan 17, 2004
Glad Maxi is up and around so you didn't have to make the dreaded trip.
Thanks again for a great time.
