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Did the high country special have a GT next to the badge ever? this is an old photo from the 1980's. adding some other old photos as well not all of same car.
That would be about right as for timing. I have been playing with these things for a long time. I noticed a graduation tassel in the white one as well. and a 5 pony personalized plate on the white one.
We were headed to Lincoln Nebraska on I80 and think this was in Cheyanne Wyoming. We were not intending to go to a show just happened to be there when it happened. I have been going to shows since the early 1980's, so have many albums and photos, mostly of just odd things we saw. Like the GT on the white car, there was no "authority source", back then. I have photos of one of the 1966 Shelby convertibles sitting in Martinez California from before Shelby did his recreations and all the clones started. Went to Hearst Castle and there was a 427 cobra in the parking lot, I thought it was a replica even then until I saw a dent in the passenger fender. These cars were just used cars back then and with no camera phone, it had to be special to warrant a photo.