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. Latetst Breaking News - Paul's Book ...


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2005
So Cal
Here it is, hot off the presses!!! Paul's latest, check it out:

"I'm in a rush this morning (I'll explain later) --and so could you post on
both websites that I just finished all major writing for the book?

(about 20,000 words in two months!!)

From this point, it's a matter of getting a few more photos and final fixes
on the book.

This is a big step forward....(whew!!!)



It's coming soon, get 'em while they're hottt !!! ... :wink:

frank s

Well-known member
May 31, 2009
San Diego CA USA
He's invited all early- and late-model GT/CSs to join the revelry at SAAC 35, and to his book-signing there ...


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2006
Hopefully the pressure of SAAC 35 will get it done.

Anyone going? Not me.


robert campbell

Well-known member
Apr 10, 2007
sorry, a big no here. I will bump the Mustangs NW thread to the top. We hope to get a large group of people to attend!



Well-known member
Mar 1, 2007
My only trip west this year will be to SEA & the MCA National show in July (and I don't own a Shelby or belong to the SAAC organization).



Well-known member
Jun 19, 2006
Hopefully the pressure of SAAC 35 will get it done.
Anyone going? Not me.

Yes will be there - go to them across the country - this one is really close to home so it makes it easy.

Hope the book will be done in time. Need to review the restoration section when completed and get the last drawing to Paul for that section

Hope others can make it - not allot of shows have all the different offerings this one will have with the multiple car shows, open track, drag racing, swap meet.....


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2005
So Cal
New update :smile: ..........

NEW information from GT/CS Registrar, Paul M. Newitt:

1. Regarding the status of the book:

I don't recommend anyone writing 20,000 words in three months. Whew! What
that means is that ALL the major writing is done! I've had the luxury of a
good friend in Missouri that edits my work with a sophisticated software
that checks spelling and grammar. Pretty cool!! What follows now is going
back to the beginning and buttoning up the text with the photos, etc.,
moving as fast as possible, yet making sure that everything is correct,
permission from contributors, correct captions, etc...

What this means is that I can confidently say that the book will be complete
by the end of April. Next week is the final compiling of the registry
information, line by line, VIN, data plate, and notes on each car. Tedious
work, fer sure!

As I've mentioned before, the book will have to be sent to Ford for fact
checking. I'm crossing my fingers that that won't take too long.

This book is not just a "car" book, but it's a book about how life was in
1968, and the process of how Ford marketing wrestled with this Mustang for
California. There are plenty of hurdles that could have easily stopped this
project in it's tracks. I will take you on this historical adventure of an
idea prompted by Little Red, and then through the process that made this
really happen. What's an interesting side note is that the 1968 Shelby
program was a rough road, too, as they had to piece together a production
modified Mustang on a tight schedule to production. It was only the '68
Shelby program that allowed the GT/CS to ride along.

I managed to overlap the history with production notes and a lot of
marketing stories and events that revealed how Ford did things back then. I
pay homage to the UAW factory workers, as well as the designers and
engineers at Ford. They emplified good 'ol American know-how and
push-through resourcefulness that existed in the 1960's. People at Ford
worked damn hard to make this and all other Fords happen, from idea to
blueprint to factory in weeks! I've also concluded that these cars were
built in batches. Having over 300 Marti Reports in the Registry confirms
this long considered theory.

I have a couple of teaser photos for you. The first one is a two-page
layout about how Galpin Ford sold the GT/CS, with a color postcard with an
inset photo of their service dept.--with a Diamond Blue GT/CS in for
servicing! The right page includes the images and story of the 40th GT/CS
party held at Galpin Auto Sports (GAS).

The other photo is a mystery, and I won't tell when or what it is., but I
can say that it's part of a series of photos that no one has ever seen--and
that you'll love to see when the book is out!

I can honestly say that there is a light at the end of this tunnel, and it's
finally getting wrapped up. If all goes well at Ford, I'm crossing my
fingers that I have a printed books in my hands by mid-June. And again,
pre-ordered books will be the first to be sent out!

...and By the Way!!!... I've ordered "California Special" script 1" wide
lapel pins (just like the ones I made back in the 1990's) to be sent to each
and every person who pre-ordered a book--for free. They will be sent out
ahead of the books as a thank you for your patience. They are very
exclusive and desireable! More on that later...and more to follow here is
it develops.

Thanks again,
Paul M. Newitt


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