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My car was originally lime gold with ivy gold interior. It had a black stripe. Ok, Ok, please don't slam me for the candyapple red repaint. I've heard enough already.
Neil: It was a long time ago, here on this site and it's almost forgotten. Just didn't want to open a can of worms again. Yep, I agree the candyapple is a "knock out!" Not knocking any other color at all, it's just my favorite.:smile:
Ours have the same colors as yours and we have black stripes. We also have the black stripes on the hood. You can ckeck her out on page 8 of the gallery under Dave & Heather Percy.
Neil: It was a long time ago, here on this site and it's almost forgotten. Just didn't want to open a can of worms again. Yep, I agree the candyapple is a "knock out!" Not knocking any other color at all, it's just my favorite.:smile: