Here are a few group photos
First row cars from left to right.
Ricky Knapik, Bonnie & Clyde car - Brittany S-Code, 4-speed, GT/CS. Had 200 bullet holes.
Bob Teets, the only HCS X-Code
Bob Teets, R-Code HCS
Bob Teets, S-Code GT/CS- Paul Newitt's old car
Donna Culwell, Lime Gold C-Code GT/CS- Partly burned up a few years ago
Barry Mathias, Yellow C-Code HCS
Tim Christensen, Red J-Code GT/CS - this is the car with the cruise control.
Back Row from left to right.
John Murphy, White J-Code GT/CS
Bill Norman, Acapulco J-Code GT/CS - now over 500,000 miles
Wayne Rupp, Brittany J-Code HCS
Marty Rupp, Maroon C-Code HCS Survivor
Marty Rupp, Red C-Code HCS (for sale)
Wayne Rupp, Presidential C-Code GT/CS
Stan & Ruth Bentley, Tahoe C-Code GT/CS
There may be an error or two, or six, in the above list.
Bill Norman's dog, Roscoe, was the unofficial HCS & GT/CS mascot.