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Mustang vs Corporate Ford


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
Every word of it true. I've also seen it numerous times. It's always been my belief that the problem is that properly managing employees is difficult and takes a lot of work. Writing rules that everyone follows is much easier. Well, easier for the so-called managers.

There is an excellent book called, "First Break all the Rules" that I think should be required reading for every business student and every corporate employee.

still looking for one

Well-known member
Apr 26, 2006
thetruthaboutcars.com and Robert Farago

case12 said:
Here is an article that I thought you all would like. Performance (even with a highly successful product) is rarely rewarded unless you are a good corporate politician. I have seen it time and time again. Casey


Jalopnik.com is my favorite portal to get to thetruthaboutcars.com

Robert Farago started that website, if I recall, after literally being run out of town by the San Francisco Chronicle for being a little too brutally HONEST about about certain cars he reviewed. He is great and says whatever he wants because he is not beholden to auto advertisers. Great site.

Read his "GM DEATHWATCH" columns, a stark depiction of why General Motors is shooting itself in the foot over and over again. He gives cogent reasons GM could go bankrupt very very soon. And he is no gentler withe the Autoworkers Union, which still just doesn't "Get It"

Well worth a bookmark.



Well-known member
Mar 28, 2003
That was some good reading, I was lost in the web site for quite awhile.
